Chapotard invades r/Music, screams "ACAB", "Americans deserve 9/11". r/Music honours Memorial Day by ganging up against the commie.

113  2019-05-27 by GodOfDarknessWine


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Chapo tells people to kill themselves for being Jewish: I sleep

Drama intellectuals share their wisdom with the masses: real shit??

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Chapotard invades r/Music, screams ... -,,

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Chapocels are like goddamn wild animals. They’ll spergout in any place at any time.

On one hand, Chapocels are one of the foremost reasons why I support Mayocide wholeheartedly and unironically.

On the other it’s a mixture of laughter and pity, like they make great lolcows but the only people I’ve seen that can throw as much of a fucking hissy shit fit are literal autists.


Chapos are pitbulls minus the strength, like if sausage dogs or pugs had the pitbull mentality.

So like Chihuahuas?

I mean he's kinda got a point. RATM are radical leftists, specifically anarchists. If they were zoomers I'm sure they'd be sperg about "ACAB" and "we deserve 9/11" on r/cth

Radical leftists

CTH podcast makes over a 100k a month

RATM members are all multi-millionaires

Is being an idol to leftoids a potential great scam? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Shit I think you're on to something. We should start a r/drama leftist band. We could get into the retard market too, since everyone here has autism.

a /drama podcast sounds like a legit grift

The question being would anyone pay to hear it? This would make a good first episode.

What happened to the drama discord? I just checked discord and don't see it.


Think they moved channels or servers or whatever it's called

I play the drums.

Tom Morello is unironically sperging about that stuff constantly.

While being millionaires due to their music, merch and concerts. Are commies, socialists and anarchists incapable of understanding what irony is?

Because socialism is about not being paid

This is why we need pinging back. I am physically in pain that I can not bring lolcows from that thread to our grazing fields, imagine being a woke Mayo whose so bussyblasted, it’s enough to unironically condone 9/11.

The banning of pinging is a crime against humanity. I imagine this is how my cousins grandfather felt at Dachau.

enough to unironically condone 9/11.

They always frame this as “America deserved it!” But do they realize non-Americans were on the flight too?


realizing shit

Those two don’t go together

Non-Americans were on the flight too


o7 Go off kings, May you rest forever in power!

okay but be gay do crimes sounds fun

chaponese 😂

Post "cop propaganda" here and watch the spergs roll in.

I'm not saying you people deserve more 9/11 but admins are ban happy so 🤡

But soylent green is

Has anyone ever met a communist over the age of like 25 who was at all successful?

I try to picture these people and I just can't picture them being anything other than kids. I guess maybe like a 40 year old bar back too?

Do fat bald assistant professors count?

I don't want to be mean to any young baldcels here, and I never fucked with academia other than to just get my degrees, but shouldn't you be more than an assistant prof by the time you're bald? I unironically don't know.

I meant adjunct professor, assistant professor is tenure track and fairly successful.

This commie was always late for class because he had to drive from the city college course he was teaching on the other side of town. He assigned us his own lengthy movie reviews from his blog. He was bitter that the av club wouldn't publish said reviews. And he talked about poly/open relationships non-subtly hitting on students who were clearly disgusted with him.

He's the most successful commie over 25 I've ever met. Other commies over 25 I've met were basically like him but even more pathetic because they were female TA's.

Has anyone ever met a communist over the age of like 25 who was at all successful?

No. And I have met at least a hundred of these retards traveling around the country and world. No employable skills, government benefits, an air of superiority that's only rivaled by hardcore libertarians, incredibly chaotic interpersonal relationships, almost identical taste in music, etc.

Has anyone ever met a communist over the age of like 25 who was at all successful?

Studies say, no.

I'm 30 and make 85k a year as a software developer and am commie

I'm actually pretty normie irl tho tbh

If you're an internet communist generally it's not something you share with your friends

If you're an internet communist generally it's not something you share with your friends

Doesn't this mean that internet communism is a literal meme ideology?

RATM look so fucking gay lol

Pretty sure they are all just getting ready to transition.

As of 2010, they had sold over 16 million records worldwide.

Anti-capitalists indeed

That poster needs to be spit roasted.

I wanna try!

Unfortunately it was the admins, not the mods. They came up with some rules just for us recently.

I agree there are very valid criticisms of our military industrial complex as we as for interventionist policies, but I never understand why these idiots go about in the manner they do. A smug attack on memorial day, fourth of July, or veterans day will only build more resentment for their side than any support it adds

Because they hate the common soldier more than they hate the military chain of command.

A soldier with no political education is a potential bandit or looter, soldiers must have values and beliefs. The chain of command is in general dogs, they're all war criminals and war mongers. They allow their troops to commit war crimes because they're scared of a revolt if they ever punished them, only the most extreme crimes ever get a slap on the wrist and inevitably they get a presidential pardon and war hero treatment. Tbh we just need to go back to the old soviet way of things, if you kill someone you weren't ordered to kill, or rape anyone, you get a brief field trial and a bullet to the back of the head from your commanding officer, in full view of your unit with the attendance of the victims family if possible, and then laid to rest in an unmarked grave nearby without ceremony, preferably in land assigned for use as a landfill but any nearby trash filled ditch will do just as well. Mainly the soldiers just shouldn't be asked to go too far out of their way for the disposal of a rabid animals carcass. Leaving the corpse exposed to the elements would be okay, mainly I'm concerned about the health hazards to nearby civilians, so proper and hygenic disposal of the carcass is necessary.

This method has many benefits, mainly the inability of any fascists that take control of the government to pardon them or attempt to honor them for their crimes. A crime committed in a war zone has no room for leniency, soldiers must no the consequences of disgracing their nation while wearing its uniform.

Is it possible to be anti-police brutality and support better conditions for the working class without being autistic retard? If not, we are absolutely fucked.

It's not possible not to be an autistic retard, no