Mayofoids of drama, take a note

59  2019-05-27 by serialflamingo


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Mayofoids of drama, take a note -,

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While it's true that white women are super privileged and have the audacity to go around calling people "white males" as if they aren't on the same level, I'm not sure what incentive blue haired future Karens have to give up their woke sustenance and admit that they are part of the problem.

white women are the most oppressed minority

Ummm Excuse me women can’t be gamers so...

*2nd most

STEP 1 - Are really ready to join us?

Is spell/grammar checking oppressive now, too?

Education is racist. Check your privilege sweaty!

SJWs: WHY don't we win elections or really any public support?

also SJWs:

Sounds like a struggle session tbh.

Nah, part of a struggle session is you offer your shitty, awful views and then get ridiculed/put up against the wall. What these white foids will experience will be worse. They can't talk or cry.

This dinner is not for you or about you. The dinner will be painful, uncomfortable, maddening, and upsetting. But what you’ll experience listening to our stories doesn’t come close to the pain of living as a Brown or Black woman in America.

the pain of being an undesirable when all you want is to be taken by a mayo man

The pain of being black women is unbearable, comparable to child birth.

The dinner will be painful, uncomfortable, maddening, and upsetting.

Oh man do I have some statistics for you...

Stop centering everything on you and your feelings

So center everyone on me and my feelings!

Doesn't matter what color a foid is, a foid is a foid.

This sounds like a masochistic foids wet dream. You get to pay for and host a bunch of other foids who will tear into you.

It honestly sounds exactly like the political version of hiring a dominatrix.

So at first I thought this shit was fake, but then I found a tweet by Saira Rao (co-founder) linking to race2dinner. All I have are questions and not many answers.

But I can't find Regina's (co-founder) profiles online. The pic they have of her is an old-ass black woman, but the only major Regina Jackson I can find is definitely not the one involved. Is this her first foray into woke politics, despite her age?

And the other person, Jessica (white bitch), involved fits neatly into the role of mayo foid who stays out sight and out of mind. The picture posted screams "Basic Becky" but on Twitter she doesn't post much or even have a profile picture of her face. Her only tweets are links are to (successful) grifting plots and a couple memes.

My conclusion is that this Saira is making quite a bit of money. She's got to be the one at the helm, but are the basketballs really okay with an Indian being one of their voices?

Imagine photoshopping yourself this hard

mayofoids of drama, take testosterone

I like how this is supposed to garner support lmao you’re part of the problem just for being born now sit down, shut up, and fix our problems.