It hurt itself in confusion!

4  2019-05-28 by eva_remastered


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. It hurt itself in confusion! -,

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enjoy the world's growing disdain for you, your lifestyle, and your ideology.

Do you really think this is going to get you anywhere?

lol seething

Do you really think this is going to get you anywhere?

hey, don't look at me. I didn't vote in the constant new or incumbent right wing governments sprouting up all over the world.

last time I voted was for PM Dudeweed in 2015

we'll see

...we'll see?

I mean, we'll see if it continues, but we've seen that this is reality.

basically, holocaust 2.0 is coming even sooner this century, and y'know what those hollywood kikes say: "gotta outdo with the sequel"

Damn, you're even stupider than I had previously assumed!

if you come to r/drama you gotta bantz me better than that, dude

what is your isp?

moid gussy buyers market incoming

Whats the point of WHO, its literally just bunch of shills.

To shill and be progressive

Why do Transtrenders dominate the trans conversation so much? Are they the majority? Are we making laws and definitions for them? Why is this not happening anywhere but western countries? Are we that retarded 🤣😳🤡🌎