Our favorite r/MensLib poster is back.

70  2019-05-28 by ModsWontUnbanMain


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If you're not familiar with this 100% real gentleman's saga, check out his profile.

Basically, his girlfriend was already knocked up when they started dating, literally had sex with some other guy the same day she and TheAntiTrust went on their first date, stole all his money for some MLM nonsense, and is now trying to poison him.

Its hard for me to read crap like that anymore, real or not. It actually gives me this sinking feeling in my gut lol

I think it's because it's so believable. It might be a roleplay, but there are men cucked enough by MensLib-tier philosophy these days to actually do it.

I saw it, clicked on the profile, and IMMEDIATELY headed here. Fucking amazing shit.

I wanna feel bad for him but he chose the path of the cuck, ao like you know. It's on him.

I mean he's named TheAntiTrust

is now trying to poison him.

The only part of this story that makes any sort of sense to me.

What a beautiful posting history.

I don't believe for second that this is real but then reading about someone being such a fucking cuck fills me with primal disgust.

His post history is consistent so it's a hard call for me.

Could be a guy larping

That's a lot of dedication for a LARP... He's been taking about being a cucked for months now.

Unironically i just refuse to believe a person is this stupid

Look through his post history. I thought it was a LARP last time he was posted here, but I think he's actually a cuck irl

Oh this guy again?

I have had people contact me about castration in a BDSM relationship. I have a friend that wants to lose both legs to a BDSM scene. I know a slave who likes her husband/master to stick a knife in her vag, cut her up, and put her blood on her face. All of them are on fetlife

Unironically I knew a foid who would boast about having her bf put a loaded gun to her head during "consensual nonconsent" fuck fests, to make it, "more real."

The moral is, foids are fucking insane and you should plow bussy.

I had a girl I was seeing in college tell me she had a rape fetish. I was like, that's cool, we can work with that. I'll tie you up and blindfold you or something.

But then she tells me she wants it to be spontaneous, she wants me to break into her apartment in the middle of night and rape her.

That was when I realized she was crazy.

Yeh that’s on the spectrum.

Anytime I met a girl who said, “I’m really into consensual nonconsent, where I say no but really mean yes,” I gtfo’d. No need to visit the chad felons.

Ngl it was the best sex I had.

🤷🏻‍♀️Crazy sex is best sex.

AITA for being killed?

Huge fan of this dudes work but I feel like he’d get more traction in menslib

That's like having a favorite pimple

Wew. That was good read I had in that guys profile. Having a daughter itself is cucked. Having someone else's daughter is cuck2

Centuries ago people with severe alergies to common foods just died in childhood.

I'm not saying that was a good thing but it was definitley a good thing.

Why do mayos have these weird food allergies? Is G*d trying to commit slow mayocide?