This subreddit is now 18+ and Sidebar photo contest 2.0 is happening like right now.

151  2019-05-28 by pewkiemuffinboo

The admins have decided that photos we had in our sidebar for 3+ years could potentially incite violence so we had to remove those and since the photo sidebar contest was such a let down I decided that tub girl was an appropriate stand-in while we find the perfect sidebar photos.

Due to this action our subreddit is now NSFW and anyone under the age of 18 is legally banned from being here so get out you fucking children.

Furthermore, I am extremely let down by your contributions to the sidebar photo contest and this is your official chance to not be so completely boring.

Please post good photos for our sidebar below.

Thanks again and you're welcome.


I guess I've only used Drama on mobile for 3 years. What sidebar image did the admins get their panties in a bunch about?

The "kill yourself" comic and the white genocide one.

It's really stupid considering theyve been there for years and everyone knows they are a joke, but the admins have for some god awful reason decided that they are "inciting violence."

I don't think I recall the white genocide one. Describe it in further detail.

Psychotherapist hands patient a note. Patient reads note. Psychotherapist grins at patient. Patient grins at psychotherapist.

No, that was the "kill yourself" comic. I don't remember the white genocide one, either.

That one was new. A black globe thing with weird feminine facial features and text iirc.

Pay attention you mong.

I don't want to pay attention, fite me.

The white genocide one was relatively new, just a picture of a blacked out globe with weird facial features and text over it, iirc.

Jesus Christ. Somebody is getting paid actually US $ to find excuses to ban us and this is the best they can do. I wonder what kind of notes they're getting from their therapist.

Imagine having the subs CSS on

I guess since the sub is now NSFW might as well have this image in the sidebar.

wheres mohammed

My guess is the author didn't want to die.

This is all taking place in His cavernous boy pussy.

Lol, this is gold.

At least he asked

make it 300px wide and we're talking.

Also put "r/Drama" somewhere on there.

Lmao I can't compete with that link

I will make sure I mention that it was a team effort and it couldn't have been done without you when I use my submission to finally seduce trappysaruh into blasting my bussy.


ffs, that isn't gautama.

This one should've been selected and you know it

Put the admins names on all the dudes and we're cooking with fire.

Who's the twink?

the gay from glee

That photo is old though and he aged like a beer in the sun.

I think they're asking what his label should be in the amended photo.

Obviously the answer is "/r/drama", subject to someone coming up with something better.

I vote for masterlawlz.




Blessed by Sir Zozalot so yes

I feel honoured ☺️

Clearly it should be labeled pewkiemuffibboo for that coy response. Absolute power bottom.

on fleek

"Yoinks!" lol

way too cis

No such thing

since the photo sidebar contest was such a let down

why was it a let down

Because none of the photos sparked joy.

which ones won?

None of them. They were all terrible.

Use this one. It's of me saying, "Drama" in a very dramatic fashion.

Mine has a link on it

If I found a really cute puppy, would you use it?

What were they of?


Furthermore, I am extremely let down by your contributions to the sidebar photo contest and this is your official chance to not be so completely boring.

Well what was your contribution?


Well what was your contribution?

I started the entire subreddit so there you go.

Fuck you (in a good way).



Imagine asking you of all people what your contribution was smh shaking my h


imagine this being your crowning achievement in life

Feels bad.

I started the entire subreddit so there you go.

Er not AnnArchist?

Yet you aren't the top mod lol cucked

Rewd observation.

These admins can suck my flaccid urethra.

Still no platy flair though

This is the funniest fucking thing I've seen all day

You win.

That’s pretty good

Yes pls

10 upvotes and I post this in r/funny.


Ok ill post it for -10 upvotes, take it or leave it.

Don't touch my OC, bitch nigga

I will get banned in r/funny for posting this, im taking one for the team.

This is amazing

Hi! Hi! Please put BBC porn with Asian woman. Thank you!!! 😘

fourth one is treifa please remove

Conservative religions are the new counterculture


the new counterculture is marvel SLAY QUEENS

Will it be forever nsfw?

This image

Making it nsfw is a mistake. It will be even worse quality because instead of clever pictures, people will just post the most disgusting things they can find.


I seriously put effort into this and will be unironically seething if it doesn't win.

I already added it to the stylesheet. so you kinda won.

Not really super familiar with CSS but that sounds like a good thing. We gonna start seeing this soon?

Why does trappy look like she has the penis of a native American?

Idk, if my dream of ever seeing it in person comes true I will ask

Where's pizzashill?

Resubmitting my masterpiece that was passed up. Allah be praised!

make it 300px wide.

Seriously there were 2 good ones that should've been added.

Who won the last sidebar competition a few days ago

everyone was the winner


I believe we all know that we should put Joan’s bussy in the sidebar. It doesn’t get anymore drama than that. It exemplifies our culture.

the sidebar photo is now tubgirl

Damn /b/ro that's fucking EPIC

shouldve always been 18+ tbh

i like fresh bussy as much as the next guy but we arent pedos yet

get the whippersnapperposters OUT OUT OUT

The subs getting banned isn't it

The admins have decided that photos we had in our sidebar for 3+ years could potentially incite violence

They do: I want to punch a reddit mod after reading that.

this was my contribution the last time you had a sidebar image contest

We had good submissions, you just have bad taste

Fucking Admins are trying to sanitize everything. I guess they only want cat pics and cosplayer chicks now. This website really is nothing like it once was and was suppose to be. How lame.

Mine is just too good, it has masterlawlz in it.

I won’t make the 300x cause I don’t know how

Haha, just made the cut

Zoomers will inherit the earth

Resubmitting my life's work

How dare you call this a let down

Tfw pinging wasn’t enough

Can we have gifs? Need this one

How about this classic line from G*llowboob??


Due to this action our subreddit is now NSFW and anyone under the age of 18 is legally banned from being here so get out you fucking children.

Good fewer chapos and mdegenerates

All I got sucks tbh

This is the only OC If you have better ideas how to edit wide open (male) butthole pic to fit the sidebar lemme know.

This I stole from someone. It's shit.

This has potential but I don't know how to caption/edit it.

What, the submissions weren't edgy enough for you you fucking fag? Go fuck yourself.

This sub should join the Blue Waffle network.

How about me please?

Use my pic I sent to the mods

I liked Oh_hamburgers_ submission :( It was a dog in a pram in a hospital or something like that.

Since we're an nsfw sub here's my submission.

How does one get illegally banned?