142  2019-05-28 by ArlenBilldozer


That is interesting, because did you know It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears, male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue. Once he's had enough of that, he rolls over onto his back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on his cock, I guide him in, feeling him stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling him fill me up. He growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in his chest, vibrating all the way down his body and through mine. He continues to lift me up and then pull me down. He's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, his paws either side of my waist. He is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to his vast size and strength, but I have total trust in him, I know he won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now; he speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto his thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is releasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. His claws dig in deeper, the pain, its excsquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my cock explode, covering his chest fur in my seed. I keep stroking, it looks as though I'm trying to rip my cock out. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the beasts muzzle. He seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. He digs his paws in even harder now and slams me onto his cock, I feel his grumble turn into a roar. He's cumming, oh my god. I can feel in, filling me up. It's undescribable. He's mating with me, he's claimed me. I feel him slow, his cock still throbbing within me, it seems as though there's no more room for his cum. It's dripping out of me, onto his fur. I reach down, and then bring my hand up, tasting him. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.


  1. 🚨🚨🚨GAMERS, INCLES... IT'S TIME TO R... - archive.org, archive.today

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Dude sentient lmao

A foid wrote that 100%. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

What is this obsession with incels. They’re literally just feminist “we live in a society” speak dressed up for the blackpill crowd

What's funny is that by talking more and more about these fringe meme groups, these "reports" give them more exposure, which leads to more fringe types joining the ranks and making said groups more radicalized.

It's all being done on purpose.

based and accelerationalist-pilled

Subscribe to incelpie

Honestly I had never came upon the word "incel" before browsing drama.

After columbine it somehow became #1 top issue, when it's literally just a subreddit of deranged people. And everybody gets lumped into it. Didn't have sex for 6 months? Clearly an incel. Works in IT? Yep, that's an inceL. Reads a book? Woah, incel.


you thinking of another mayo educational assassination program? columbine was 20 years ago, and the incel fad is like 2 years old max.

I'm no burger, I must've mistaken.

Something more recent than Elliot Rodgers, maybe 6 months or so? Whichever resulted in the ex-reddit CEO, asian woman, saying "there are incels working in IT, what are you going to do about that?"

I thought it got big like a year or two ago when that incel guy drove the car of peace around some Canadian city, running over a whole bunch of people.

Incel is older than that but it used to be focused entirely on that one insane (probably not real) guy who wrote massive walls of texts about government issued girlfriends and how his mum was the biggest cunt in the world because she wouldn't crank his dank.

but it used to be focused entirely on that one insane (probably not real) guy who wrote massive walls of texts about government issued girlfriends and how his mum was the biggest cunt in the world because she wouldn't crank his dank.

It's older than that (dates back to the loveshy movement) but caamib was the first mainstream cow to emerge from the movement, yeah

Here I am thinking I know it all and snally comes along to humble me again. Based and the-more-you-know pilled.

It's older than that (dates back to the loveshy movement)

I always am like "well actually this dates back to the People's Front of Somewhereistan" and people can actually look that up and find where someone wrote about it 30 years ago. Unfortunately our intelligence agencies haven't written a lot about historical lolcow threats. 😔

I've seen it often over the last two years. what I find peculiar is it's a term invented by a woman yet I mostly see women using it to insult men. I link to them the wiki page and the raging begins. for one, quite a few of these women I've encountered have no idea because they've never looked it up, and secondly whatever power they thought the word had instantly evaporates. never ceases to amuse me.

Except that the incel forum the woman started got so bitter and angry she bailed. It's all the dudes who say women can't be incels, we're the ones that believe we can be. So, if we got run out of the community, it's on the guys that the word has become an insult because we were told we couldn't use it.

Femcels aren't real.

Yeah, yeah, I know. But that's why women can use it as an insult because we're told it doesn't apply to us.


Out, landwhale

Listen up, men. If a fat woman approaches you and wants to have sex with you, YOU HAVE SEX WITH HER. No ifs ands or buts about it. First of all, you should be fucking honored as shit to have the opportunity to have a sex with a big beautiful goddess.

More importantly, you have to oblige as she says because if you say no, you are actively oppressing her with your bullshit ridiculous standards of beauty and lets face it, what YOU think is beautiful doesn't matter because she can be as fat as she wants. It's HER body, not yours.

By oppressing her with your fatphobic bullshit though, you are likely going to be triggering her and are thus violating her and her identity and by violating her so viciously like that, you are in fact, committing rape.

I'll bite, what's a black pill?

Bad no no pill but make angry and more stupid.

I thought you were a regular here, but if you need this explained:

The blackpill is believing that all women are like robots who are programmed to want to only have sex with black men in their 20s and then find a rich husband in their 30s. So if you're a loser white guy this explains why you never get a girl. It's more nuanced than that of course, because inceldom is a very complex science, but that's the summary.

That just sounds retarded

I see you're catching on.

Inceldom is a phenomena that is getting more and more traction in modern times because the so called "sexual marketplace" where people have casual sex on a regular basis hugely favors about 20-30% of the people in total. As in nearly 30% of the people have more than 80% of the TOTAL SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS. Women basically breach the 15 partner count before even finishing high school. And the average partner count for many college going women basically STARTS at 10 something. Now, assuming they have casual sexual encounter once a week, thats 52 partners in one year. If you continue this trend for 4 years, thats basically reaching 200 partners by the time they finish college. But for men at the top 20-30%, their partner count is 2-5X more than the average women. Which is where the "chad" meme comes from. The guys who bed more than 1000 women by the time they finish college or during a 10 year period.

The end result is that a huge portion % of men grow up not having sex at all, or worse there is also an increase in literal virgins in a time where the prevalence and acceptance of casual sex is at its peak in [current year]. Some didn't even kissed a women before, making them "kissless" virgins.

There is this increasing cognitive dissonance in today's society where sexual themes, and the power of sex to market products, and at the widespread casual sex everywhere but there is also a significant percent population going celibate, involuntarily so (which is where the word incel comes from INvoluntary CELibate).

Make no mistake, inceldom is a problem, that is only beginning to start, and its not going away unless people take some measures to combat it in some way.

people have casual sex on a regular basis hugely favors about 20-30% of the people in total

Do you think those people are happy and feel like they have fulfilling lives? Is our society really favoring them, or are they just as damaged and unable to have healthy relationships and lives as permavirgins?

Do you think those people are happy and feel like they have fulfilling lives?

In the short term? They are probably happy,yes. Happy in the sense that they forget about reality for a short period of time. Like how we completely forget about ourselves while we watch an engrossing tv show or a movie.

Is our society really favoring them, or are they just as damaged and unable to have healthy relationships and lives as permavirgins?

Like I said in my previous comment, when you bring in free market forces into human affairs, things ALWAYS favor those who are on top. You can see this already in many things that have free market forces behind it: housing, education, healthcare, job/wealth prospects, etc

But like anything short term, it doesn't last long. Sex, for them, ends up being a coping mechanism to run away from their shitty life. Like the guys do playing video games to distract them about their shitty life situation.

But the party's got to end one day and when it does, they will face the full blown reality in its face. (in the form of not finding a suitable long term partner despite reaching middle age adulthood, or having standards way beyond your level, etc)

Women basically breach the 15 partner count before even finishing high school. And the average partner count for many college going women basically STARTS at 10 something


The blackpill is being spread. Slowly, but surely

Everyone besides the most bluepilled retards acknowledges the black pill.

They just don’t run with it to retarded extents ( such as you need to be a 9 that’s 6’2 to get a goblin)

Most people know it exists. There are some who go into full cope mode to deny it (like those in inceltears).

I know, my point is that it exists but not to the extent most incels imply.

20 years ago people mostly agreed on issues that are "blackpillled". Everybody knows it's hard for ugos to get laid.

It’s just that beta males, especially the Blupers, don’t want to acknowledge that they too are unattractive to women, and they would much rather date this 6 ft. muscular Chad instead of the simpering beta male.

An example is Andrew Dobson, who after going back to his College for some reunion thing, had some girls complain that he was creepy. Instead of realizing that he is unattactive to women, he blamed Chad dudebros for some reason.

The Bed Intruder Song guy?

moar liek BLACKEDpill amirite

Hard hitting journos.

Millenials getting jobs in the press has become a shitshow

Learn to code

I'd rather they didn't. I prefer functional programs.

unless you’re into downloading a lot of free fart.apps their code will never get near you

How is this a bad article?

From the headline alone, very first few words: A Chad is a guy who is angry.

That shows they don't have even the slightest understanding of what they're fucking talking about. Anger has absolutely nothing to do with the caricature of successful men that is Chad.

New this issue: A Chad is a guy that angry, celibate men online want to look like.


It's over for literacycels

What the fuck is that comma usage?

dig that hole

A Chad is a guy that angry.

A Chad is a guy that angry, celibate men online want to look like.

Lets unpack this sentence.

What is Chad?

a guy that angry, celibate men online want to look like.

Who want to look like Chad?

angry, celibate men online

What do angry, celibate online men want to look like?


From The Washington Post:

A Chad angry man

What is a Chad?

Angry man

Who wants to look like Chad?

Angry men

Who is celibate men?

Angry Chad

Are you joking around or are you seriously unfamiliar with using "that" as a conjunction

I am familiar with "that" but, the comma placement there is, horrible and throws off the entire, sentence.

When a noun is modified by more than one adjective, each of which independently modifies the noun, the adjectives should be separated by a comma. In this usage, the comma substitutes for the conjunction and.

fucking retard

fuc,kin,g, , r,eta,rd,.


Chad angry

Illiteracy. Not even once.



You put commas between multiple adjectives before the same noun. 🤦‍♀️ At least literate people do.

Did you stop reading at angry?


You're suppose to stop at a period.

i have not read the article, and i don't want to, because mainstream journalists tend to really struggle with dumb internet culture stuff

First answer: it’s a bad article because I can’t read

Second answer: it’s a bad article because I refuse to read it

Galaxy brain take

nobody is going to think more highly of you because you spent the time actually reading a 5000+ world article about incels in New York Mag

Oh my God what is going on with this world


I thought this was a shop someone spent too much of their time on, but holy shit it was actually published lmao

Chad looks like a gussy. I prefer bussy thank you.

full lips looks like a gussy

mayos lmao

What's a gussy

He looks greasy as fuck too

Ugly people, especially ugly men, they said, are destined to lead unhappy lives and die alone.

How is this controversial in any way?

I thought everyone knew that already?

Actually sweatie you just need to shower 3 times a day and watch Captain Marvel.

no daily haircuts

mods get this incel scum out of my chadspace

as memetastic as the shower and haircut thing is I think people really underestimate how badly some incels need them. like holy shit there are some trainwrecks out there.

and die alone

Thank God, I can think of nothing more disturbing than the thought of someone in the room while I'm trying to die in peace. Don't fucking look at me, I'm dying! This is my moment.


No-one ever explains why this isn't a desirable outcome.

Because of the “destined” part. That’s what the incels and SJWs have in common, they are both losers who think you’re locked into a role by forces out of your control and there’s no way out and it’s just not faaaaaiiirrr.

Are ugly men more likely to be unhappy and alone? Yes, and if incels could lead with that then people might take them as a more serious movement. But instead they chose the “ITS OVER” and LDAR path

you just need to rispekt women to get one, you incel

I wonder if people ever leave their houses. We've all seen total uggos with a wedding ring. That's what should be uncontroversial. I'm talking big fat lumbering beasts who are all married.

Because ugly men can still make money to receive the shallow vanity that is so desirable to journalist from getting clicks and women crave from other women.

Bussy dysmorphic disorder.

>it's hard for ugly guys to get laid

>this is a deep dark conspiracy that needs to be exposed

jesus christ journalism

Chad is a hilarious and true archetype and everyone should aspire to be Chad. Millennial journals are fucking cunts that fundamentally misunderstand everything in their quest to unfairly critique everything on the face of the earth whether or not they know anything about it.

No see, a Chad is a guy who is angry. The news told me so.

I unironically agree though, the desire to be a Chad is a good driving force.

I implore you to tell me what is wrong with incels getting surgery.


Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett. Riley Reid is dating Post Malone.

Just become a widely successful and celebrated musician lol

Got to love how she thinks a literal whore is a catch. I'd pity incels if they weren't so insufferable.

Did this author really just implicitly compare Julia Roberts to a porn actress? Yikes. Poor Julia.

The fuck is that cover lmao it looks like it was made in paint

Why the fuck are so many trannies seemingly obsessed with incels? Legit question. After lurking r/IncelTears for a bit I noticed they make up a considerable chunk of their userbase. Plus every time some retarded story about incels reaches social media you can always see a bunch of them autistically quoting Contrapoints or whatever. Is it cope?

Most of them were incels

The went Chris Chan/ADF, started out as beta male losers, then decided to become women themselves, so they can be the boyfriend-free girlfriend.

They're mentally ill so it's difficult to pin down their motivations

Most incels would choose to become a girl if they could do it without social consequences. Incelism and gender dysphoria are two sides of the same coin. The mainstream trans community doesn’t want to ally with incels because that would turn feminists against them. But eventually feminists will defect from trans activism and then the pinkpill will prevail

Contra made a video on them. That explains why the replies are full of ContraPoints retards.

Jelqing is mentioned in a serious article in 2019

My sides.

Some looksmax forums recommend that shit.

I miss the days before the word incel was made into the new ‘Nazi.’ I had never even heard of the term until some guy started making it to all the drama subs a few years ago talking about how he was furious that his mom wouldn’t have sex with him. Now it’s tour typical reddit liberals favorite insult.

Those Twitter comments lol

You Break to Get Laid? “Incels” are going under the knife to reshape their faces, and their dating prospects.

How is this any different than boob job?

lol that looks like a woman

probably unironically what New York Magazine soyboys think a Chad looks like

imagine being mad about other people having relations