Weakling SEETHES and COPES at powerlifters being stronger than him (πŸ˜‚ at SBD 225/5, 225/3, 345/2)

44  2019-05-28 by POST_BUSSY


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πŸ˜₯ I was in that thread before I posted in on r/drama, I swear admin-sama!

Would like to see him smash a Merkava with a lmao2plate max

:( but it's not working for me whyyyyy

Some extensions can mess with it. Try to open incognito.

the fuck are you talking about "can't resist censorship"? The faggot mods banned me.

Because you're weak.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Weakling SEETHES and COPES at power... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I could duck you up that’s really all that matters to me.

He got em.

😰 I'm so scared rn

Holy fuuuuuuuuck. He squats his bench. He is actually a meme. He SQUATS his BENCH.

In a fight, who would fuck, AESTHETIC.

They never understand that not everyone starts lifting for others, or gives a shit.



I just realised he squats his bench LMAO.

Way to skip leg day buddy

I feel sad for people like this.

What do use at your higher rep weight though? 135 for 15 isnt really a good workout.


That’s my fucking overhead press and I’m not part of swolhalla.


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The only exercise I do is swimming, even I could do that. If you're a full-grown man and you can't lift 135 pounds a couple times, woo-wee.

Most grown men would struggle to bench 135 for 15, let alone OHP it. That's probably about 315 bench and 225 OHP.

The Wilks Ratio and its consequences have been a disaster for the liftin race

people who lift because they like it and not to look better are the real losers

This guy is so dense we should be worried his brain will start a black hole.

Hobbies are for fucking losers.

The dude in the pic is based and Big Van Vader-pilled.

My lifts are 550/330/550 at 190lb and I do BJJ 8-10x per week. I consider powerlifting my main sport. You sound small and weak.

Snappy, get on it.

What do those first numbers mean?

squat/bench/deadlift, i assume

haha imagine shit talking someone for their lift numbers and not even knowing what lift numbers are. you fucking chimp.

Imagine being so pathetic that you don't see a point to lifting beyonds scraps and impressing women.

Honestly, I'd consider this SBD decent.

But I'm manlet, so that's that

I'm surprised he can type so much copy-pasta with those weak arms.

Don't worry his other beautiful brain aneurysms in other threads include him talking about how hot country and church girls are compared to fat college girls. Turns out honey boo-boos mom is actually a college girl and not a meth addicted redneck.

He also posts essays on stupidpol so good for him. Go gettem tiger

Redneck girls are more often than not gross. I went to school in a town with only 1,600 people in it. Wew lad. I love college girls, though. Especially the mentally ill ones with daddy issues.

Yeah for real. Country girls are like... Big. Like needs to be able to move a bale of hay big.

Not every country girl is a southern bell, usually they are the size of the liberty Bell more like it

I could fuck you up that’s really all that matters to me.

lmao this is the kind of dude who thinks that one Irish MMA cunt could've beat The Mountain during that sparring match.