Iโ€™m in love with HardIsLife and I have proof!

34  2019-05-28 by Hard4HardIsLife

The truth is in my heart.

How can I scheme to get her to break up with her boyfriend and fall in love with me? Post fake ideas in this thread and PM me actual good ones so she wonโ€™t see them coming. This is an alt obviously.


The answer is obviously to send unsolicited dick pics.

I tried that but she blocked me.

Your dick must just be completely underwhelming then.


Foids - real or fake - go mad for fountains of arterial blood.

I like the way you think.

mircy is that you



Any tips?

She's the one wanting the tip


She only likes black tips

Only you have the right one :)

  1. Be Idris Elba
  2. Don't be not Idris Elba.

I too know what it's like to be in love with a foid who browses /r/drama. I miss my cherry pie ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

I wanna get MzCherries' take on this relationship, but unfortunately pinging isn't possible.


She's playing hard to get

Youโ€™re just a player, chasing tail for sport.

You know you love it.

It never began.


The truth is in my heart.

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this is bad philosophy

If you're white, you're fucked. She has a complex to specifically NOT date white men, which in a way means she's still obsessed with white men.

I bet she'd be impressed if you swallowed a hand full of glass