14 year olds fail the Reading Comprehension portion of the PSATs, and then brag about it.

14  2019-05-28 by MG87


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They did technically take the bait, just by talking about it. This meme is only like a week old, but I don’t see it gaining traction.

Its not taking the bait if you dont believe it. 4chin failed pretty badly here.

lol I love when folks personify 4chan, like it’s the hacker named 4chan

Oh I know that its an image board, I just like my name better

Thinly veiled racism typically is funnier.

lmao implying theyre not going to use the same excuse of "its not racist, but racists used it as a joke so now its racist"

like they did when people made fun of them for thiking ok was racism too

I remember when they tried to say milk was racist

Pretty sure in all previous situations they chose to "believe" 4chan in order to rile up their base.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. 14 year olds fail the Reading Compr... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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It is good that none of them can vote.

Is this why trump likes the uneducated

63% upvoted


Yet here you are talking about a 4chan post some kid made while he already went back to yeeting on xbox and his mom bought the family icecream.