Huge loss in the battle of ideas as IDW goes through a struggle session and starts eating their own

24  2019-05-28 by Woolgun

The whole thing started when an old soviet gussy wrote this article (no you shouldn't read it).

This really pissed off Dave Rubin who went on a twitter rant about how this criticism is actually a hit piece.

The writer of the article responds but pretty vaguely. Lauren Southern and others are dragged into this and Dave, Lauren Southern and the writer are constantly going back and forth, here are some tweets (looks like the writer kinda fucked up in some older article involving Lauren Southern when she published her quotes, this gets exposed)

Bunch of IDW twitter orbiters joined in too, to defend either Dave or the writer

Dave Rubin is still seething, just look at his timeline, and even Anthony Fantano joins in.

No response from the big names like Jordan Peterson yet, but could this be the thing that splits IDW into group that's allied with alt right and group that openly denounces them? ๐Ÿค”


Cathy "Vivian James, but irl" Young did literally nothing wrong. Dave "If people are mad at me, the only possible explanation is that I'm doing something right" Rubin is only barely literate, so has incorrectly understood the article as a hitpiece.

Nothing says "I'm not mad" like a 12 minute rant while walking around LA:

"to Clair and Young: you can use me, but you can't own me"

his rant is so hilarious, he's really shaken by the critique, the mildest fucking critique in existence mind you

This is how Dave responds to any criticism from people that generally agree with him politically. He can't handle it, because he doesn't believe in criticizing people who would otherwise be allies against SJWs.

His understanding of politics doesn't really go beyond "sjw is bad and anti-sjw is good", and as long as the person is among the latter Dave doesn't think they should be critiqued regardless of what their actual beliefs are.

Dave is so retarded that he described an anarcho-capitalist with a self proclaimed appreciation of white nationalism, Stefan Molyneux, as a centrist.

Dave is so retarded that he described an anarcho-capitalist with a self proclaimed appreciation of white nationalism, Stefan Molyneux, as a centrist.

Ok, look, the rest of your post was almost as bad, but this here - are you telling me a self proclaimed libertarian/anarchist who hates big tech for censoring him while he abuses DMCA is NOT peak centrist?! ๐Ÿ˜ค

are you telling me that the definition of centrism is plain ol' hypocrisy? something something everyone is a centrist they just don't know it yet

Centrism is when your political opinions are all over the spectrum and the less coherent they are, the more centrist you become.

if centrism is hypocrisy then i guess you could describe stefan as a centrist

We donโ€™t deserve this level of effort. ๐Ÿ™‡

Yeah you really don't.

I should've just linked his initial reaction, use "Rightoids SEETHING" as a title and call it a day.


the fuck is IDW?

the fuck does comic books have to do with dave rubin and laura southern

I don't know, you tell me.

a bunch of pretentious fags who talk about talking about diverse ideas, which consists of them agreeing on 99% of stuff (sjw's bad, deplatforming bad etc)

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These people were worth listening to a year ago, now I just go on this sub to find the truth.

I'd argue they weren't even worth listening to a year ago.

Good collection, little correction though; his name is Rave Dubin, not Dave Rubin. People often make that mistake.

Congrats, fellow sperg, you've finally joined us in the big leagues


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