[Corndrama] Reddit: Elect more wymyn! Iowa: Elects a woman (-R) Reddit: NO NOT THAT WYMYN!!!!!1!!!!

97  2019-05-28 by BernieMadeoffSanders


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corn politics is like a special needs school

it’s cute to watch them run around and act like they’re just like everyone else, but at the end of the day, they simply have a few braincells fewer (or a few chromosomes more) than the rest of us

Can't believe no one has posted this amazing new Snappy quote yet:

This dumb. What is this? The article reports nothing, presents no facts, and seems to be one man's ramblings. To whoever wrote this, if you honestly believe the broad generalization you are making with this statement and site, you are what is wrong with this country. Also I love how you state women are better leaders then proceed to tell them, what they should do. If you actually believed your statement, shouldn't you just go away? Your statistics are bogus and made up, I hope this is just some giant troll website, and I hope nobody elses wastes their time reading this uneducated garbage.

justcool -- snappyquote when?

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. [Corndrama] Reddit: Elect more wymy... - archive.org, archive.today

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Friendly reminder to buy corn future call options, or $corn on the nyse

That's assuming you believe the trade "war" will be resolved with China. I do, but it's a gamble. Those chinks are crafty, and it wouldn't surprise me that they wait out Donald J Trump for 6 years before they sign a trade deal.

they wont have to because biden's gonna win

Galaxy 300 IQ take

given 2 options, hamburgers will pick the most retarded one without fail. daddy has even admitted that he cannot match biden on that front

No the Midwest is flooded and some areas are only getting 30% of their corn planted. The fields aren’t in great condition so who knows how much of it what got planted will even grow.

But thanks for letting me know you’re always thinking about Trump 😘

Isn’t that why you would want to buy futures? The price of corn will rise if the supply drops?

Yeah, that’s what I meant.

Also, change my flair please.

My bad. Misread.

Can you change my flair please?

Pretty please with a cherry on top, my liege, my benefactor, my reason for waking

I think you have me confused with someone else 🤭

Oh, I did didn’t I?

Lol who on reddit ever said they want more women elected, outside of gussy subs?

People who support mommy, commie mommy, and indian mommy?

Who is indian and regular mommy?

Tulsi and Hildawg, I think.

Tulsi and Hillary

Indian is Warren

She is Native American not Indian.

Teepee, not dot.

Tulsi gabbard ?

No she's dot not teepee indian mommy

Doubt they really care they are women. r/Politics only supported Hildawg cause Bernie flopped.

how is a bunch of people calling a retarded troll a retarded troll drama in any way?

Since beginning of civilization


God i wish we could still ping.