Aznidentity fights over if a Chinese American saying he's Chinese to Chinese soldiers in the Korean War while he kills them is a war crime.

28  2019-05-29 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Aznidentity fights over if a Chines... -,,

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Personally I think literal Asian traitors are one of the biggest obstacles standing in our way. Next time you see a bunch of Westernized Asians joining in the current American war against China, remember this.

I'm trying to visualize this and I'm struggling. Are there any chadazns left? I want to say no.

It's going to be a war of Jamal, Bubba-Jim, and Juan derping into the soyboys of riceland.

Eh, these are all asians who are the product of western universities and present day victim culture in burgerland. The attitude back in the homeland still seems to be hilariously lacking in empathy and any kind of oppression narrative

I have the better title.

We need hardislife and sexycyborg's take on this.

Has any one egged them on into an cat fight yet? I thought the jungle Asian comment would have, but it didn't pan out.

We need hardislife and sexycyborg's take on this.

Wait sexycyborg trolls around in r/drama?

I thought the jungle Asian comment would have, but it didn't pan out.


Damn what a patriot o7, an American hero tbhfam.

Meh, chinks are like ants. It doesn't matter how many of them you destroy if you don't stop them at the source.

Imagine believing a country as vast as China, mere months removed from the ousting of the KMT, is some uniform entity.

For the Filipino members of this community, don't forget that the US literally colonized the Philippines, and only granted it independence after choosing a US-friendly government to lead the Philippines.

Actual footage of a basement-dwelling frustrated low-T aznidentity user every time he hears about a chad pinoy retiring to live in his tropical paradise homeland with a loving family and the respect of his community.

Pinoys are absolutely based, every other race should just give up now.

What a surprise, a bunch of internet nerds talking about fake honor and suggesting that someone who isn't them should have literally been killed over killing their enemy because reasons. Bonus points for contributing to the stereotypes where Han Chinese are only loyal to their own race over their nationality and will always choose the "motherland" over all else.

Hot take: the concept of war crimes is retarded.

Impaling a 15 year old conscript with a bayonet-totaly ok

But it's a triangular bayonet-oh fuck that's not it chief!

Who cares about "playing fair" when someone is trying to kill you?

Yeah the existence of the concept of war crimes is one of those things that just proves beyond all doubt humans are retarded

This tbqhwy 'don't destroy civilian infrastructure unless you super duper have to to win'. So vague, it's just an added punishment to the loser after the war is over.

Some of the rules are good, like no chemical weapons. Those rarely work out well for anyone, even the people who used them. Chlorine attacks in WW1 killed an almost even number of enemy and friendly soldiers. But some of them make no sense, like not being able to fight the enemy while wearing enemy uniforms. The fuck? Who came up with that rule?

How much of that sub is insecure Americanized azncels identifying with a country they'll never go to and how much of it is insecure Chinamen seething over a country they're not even in?