Chapo and T_D have a hate thread on the same thread over cringey gamer, can we get a centrist hate thread as well to finish the trilogy?

51  2019-05-29 by RyanDawsonDebateGod


This, but unironically.


  1. Chapo and T_D have a hate thread on... -,

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Destiny, schrodinger's leftist

That Destiny moment when you abandon your child to fuck a Swedish child and stream arguments on the internet ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

That other Destiny moment when his ex leaked his dick pics

That Destiny moment when the child porn is ethical ๐Ÿ‘Œ

That other Destiny moment where he is pro family members fucking each other.

That Destiny moment when he's an absolute mess and brainlets think he's a savant. He's the leftoid ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธeterson

I think he's a more pathetic version of Ben Shapiro. Both manlets, both will debate anyone and both are smug pricks that think they're the smartest person in the room.

They'll both debate anyone that's retarded or has no idea what they're talking about

Ben will try to debate people that are smart enough to not debate him because they know he's a retard.

Destiny will try to debate people that will most likely agree to do so because they are even bigger retards than him.

I know you're lying if you say you wouldnt do the same

Sorry about your pedophillia sweaty!

gimmie that sweet swedish fish if you catch my drift hahaha

Destiny unfortunately is far left... of the median height for adults. Because he's very short.

Based and standard deviationpilled

I just saw a hate thread for the guy on /pol/. He really is hated by both sides?

/pol/ has had a hate thread for everyone

Except Hitler. I've never seen a Hitler hate thread now that I think about it.

Hitler was a tool of the British

Then you don't pay much attention. I've seen people do threads ranting about how Hitler ruined fascism and nationalism for the West.

They hate him for losing and being a vegetarian

Hitler was a jewish puppet perpetuating false holocaust tropes to boost their victim status

Political violence isnโ€™t that bad..

He's the livestream version of /r/politics.

Destiny is an absolute retard, I don't know how people think he is smart.

Because he only debates mongoloids and wins, therefore he seems smart

shapiro vs destiny when?

Mongoloids, not manlets

They're both manlets. I'd love to see them square up in the ring.

Wouldnt say he win unless you are retarded, his 'debate' style is basically to talk over his opponent and push topics of discussion the other side is ignorant about until he can perform a gotcha.

"What do they think managers do"

Managers and owners do fucking nothing, that's the point. Once you get past middle management you become nothing but a hindrance to the smooth operation of whatever you're overseeing.

Exactly what a Chappie would say.



It's the only thing I agree with Chapos on. I can't imagine being as pathetic as people who are regional managers or above. Being a CEO is more respectable, but if they implement or support ridiculous policies, then they can go fuck themselves too. "Durrr you can only use store-provided box cutters because safety." Go fucking cut yourself on your shitty unsafe store-provided box cutter where the blade randomly just fucking falls out and there's no way to retract it.

Imagine agreeing with a Chapotard on anything. EVER.

lmao imagine actually having no experience in industry

Fact: You can't progress beyond middle management without kissing ass and obeying/enforcing corporate policies, no matter how dumb or scummy they are.

If you honestly believe that, then you have never worked or met a person at the upper echelon of a business or corporation. Youre just regurgitating some processed sound bite a millionaire comedian stated.

I don't consume any media of that sort. I see from my own experiences. Anyone who enforces corporate policy is scum.

I don't consume any media of that sort.

posted unironically on reddit

lmao you must be twelve years old

Because redditors universally consume shitty comedians like Trevor Noah, or watch TV in any capacity. That must include you, right sweaty?

no u

literal autism

imagine talking about destiny

Do any lefties actually fucking work real jobs?

said the man whose """job""" is streaming himself talking over literal retards on the internet, and before that his """job""" was him playing - and losing - at a Korean video game.