Dogfree spawns a heckin' good pasta

35  2019-05-29 by DerekSavageCoolCuck

There are no good dog owners. I don’t care who the fuck you are. Did you know even when you disgustingly pick up your mutts pile of shit, there is still remaining poop on the ground? And their piss just fucking soaks there? This is awful for the planet. Could you imagine if there was a ground of people who all shit and pissed everywhere, attacked innocent people, and ran around screaming? They would be locked up in a jail or mental hospital. So how is ok for a dog to do this? I do not fucking understand. Even dog owners that clean their homes, your filthy houses still smell like a dogs dirty shit covered ass, and everyone who enters your home can smell it. If you let your dog lick your face you are a disgusting freak and you have mental problems. That tongue that gives you meaningless and disease ridden “kisses” is the same tongue that licks its crotch, eats it own and other animals shit, and will eat its own throw up(I’ve seen many dogs do this). Nobody wants your dog in public places. It makes you look fucking stupid because you are. Maybe if you didn’t have a filthy beast you would be able to bring a friend to public places, but because you are so mentally retarded you can’t hold normal human connections so you have to get an animal just as retarded as you so you can manipulate it into being your little pathetic slave that you drag around because you know you’ll never have anyone else that can deal with your absolute craziness. You dog owners are so insecure and empty that you need this brainless dog to give you fake love and affection. Having a dog isn’t a fucking personality trait. It only shows that you have underlying severe mental problems and you belong locked up in a mental hospital. Maybe if you had some sort of hobby, activity, friend group, or purpose in life you wouldn’t need a dog to fill the void. Dog owners are pathetic and I hate them all. Every single one just as disgusting as the other. You all are ruining the planet and annoying everybody. You leave poop all around town and pollute the air with the sound of your shit beast meaningless screaming because it doesn’t have enough chromosomes in it’s tiny little messed up brain to even know any better. Get a life.



This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Dogfree spawns a heckin' good pasta -,,

  2. -,

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Holy fuck snappy, that was brutal.


I know people ask for stuff to be added to snappy a lot, but this is what snappy quotes are meant to be.

Dog shit is gross but have you ever heard of cat shit?

Any cat lover in that sub complaining about dog shit being gross has a brain riddled with toxoplasmosis. Imagine liking an animal that pregnant women need to avoid so they don't give birth to defective monsters.

My cat shits in the toilet. He has truly ascended to realm of men

Whoa, hey now, that’s Mister Cat as far as I’m concerned.

Based pussy


Imagine sperging out this much over dogs lmao

You probably do need to have autism to think like this

I thought autists liked fuzzy animals?

It's fine if they want to hate on dogs and dog culture imo but the sub's already gotten extreme since picking up steam. An unironic flat earther has been sharing his saga about 'being the head of the house' and getting rid of the family dog and blaming his wife's unhappiness on being hormonal from pregnancy, and celebrating how one of his relatives got bit by a dog, and everyone was patting his ass along the way despite the fact that he is clearly a nutjob

Based and catpilled

Dogs > Cades

Ahh that's the good shit right there

has one lazy roommate who doesn't take proper care of their dog writes this 😳😳😳

Someone needs to get their snoot booped.

Could you imagine if there was a ground of people who all shit and pissed everywhere

Aw man I don’t think this person has heard of India

attacked innocent people, and ran around screaming?

He could also be talking about LA

What about raccoons? 🐺

Sounds like someone needs some pibble kisses!


What a wanker

/r/dogfreecels truly are dipshits

Let's be real, why are dogs allowed to piss in public and I am not. 😤😤😤