Banning 90% of the users was the best thing ever.. for me!

41  2019-05-29 by Malhavok_Games

I just want to tip my virtual fedora to the brainlet mods here for their le ebin prank. I had been wasting a huge amount of my free time posting here regularly, so much so that I have something sick like 60,000 comment karma. Comment karma! That means that like retards agreed with my sperg-outs at least 60,000 times. What the actual fuck?

For a while there I seriously thought about making another account and coming back, but instead I decided to lurk and I'm glad I did, because frankly the difference between pre-bannout r/drama now and then is like night and day, that is to say, it fucking sucks now. Easily about as entertaining as r/PoliticalHumor. Good job guys.

Anyway, since this is now a place that is repulsively boring, I decided to spend less time on reddit and more time on my hobby (making video games). I've been working on one for about a year called Queen of the Seas - it's essentially a bussy rape simulator with pirates, or as I would say, the quintessential r/drama game, well at least pre bannout r/drama.

Once I decided to do that, I then quickly opened up a Patreon and now about 3 weeks later, I'm on track to make around an extra 50 grand a year. 50 grand! off of something I do as a hobby for fun. This is amazing, fuck, it's practically a game changer for me. I can't stress how incredible it is to get all this money out of the blue. I've really been kicking myself over the time I blew hanging out here posting "bussy lmao" and making fun of MasterLawlz, if I had decided to spend that time working on delivering a game people want (which is evidently playing a feminized man being raped by pirates), I'd probably already have a second home half way paid off.

So, thank you mods. I want you guys to know that even though everyone else may call you retarded faggots and blame you for ruining this sub (all true), you made at least one persons life incredibly better and in order to show my gratitude, just message me and I'll post you a drop box link to the patreon only version of my game, so you can get your (virtual) bussies raped to your hearts content.

peace out niπŸ…±πŸ…±as


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. Banning 90% of the users was the be... -,,

  2. r/drama -,*

  3. r/PoliticalHumor -,*

  4. Queen of the Seas -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Take that viral ad shit elsewhere inaufferable twat.

love you too sweaty

Atleast buy some reddit coins with your cash and give them to jobless retards like me,its the least you could do

silver for trying

Thank bro

np i had some left over from guilding trappysaruh's bussy


Trappy 😍😍😍😍😍

hi whats up

Just mirin πŸ˜πŸ™ƒ (imeandudebussylmao)


As a zoomer, I must say I find your game rather repulsive.

How can I acquire it as soon as possible?

What is this boomer shit you sent me. The rap is catchy but I can smell your nostalgia on it. In conclusion:


sorry, i'll speak to you in your native language

"big oof y'all, donate to my patreon and don't forget to hit like and subscribe!"

With a Game like that r/Drama gonna have another Billionaire user in no time


Who's the first?


He's the only janny that can do it for free and not be a pathetic waste

Agree, I forget but why did he leave ?

To be a pathetic waste on Twitter


Shit nigga you made this i played it




Thank you for the blessing

I'm internet famous now. I can't wait to tell grandma.

Send privateer bussy pls.


You do know we're gamers right? You do remember that fact right? You do remember that the whole gamergate history up till now has been a bitter fight for truth honesty and freedom of speech. We gamers have been attacked on all sides by shitbags who want to take us down shove our faces in the dirt and shit all over everything we love. Many have had their entire reputation ruined and still we are here. We grind. Its what we do. This is just another quest to overcome. Your changes are shit and you guys can go fuck yourselves. This sub will not bow down to this bullshit. The grind will continue until we slay the boss. You guys are at best a bunch of low level sub bosses. Now shut up and get the fuck out of our way and revert the rule change.


I decided to spend less time on reddit and more time on my hobby (making video games). I've been working on one for about a year called Queen of the Seas

unironically one of the saddest sentences I have ever heard.

have sex

Wow, that art style is, uh...


I don't know if you can really call it art. It's a multi-layer 2D vector graphic that's drawn with mathematical functions. The reason why is because it dynamically redraws itself when you change a core statistic, like for instance, height, or waist, or boob size, etc.

For instance, drawing cleavage:

        breast.cleavage = {
            x: 0.5,
            y: breast.tip.y,
        breast.cleavage.cp1 = continueCurve(breast.tip,;

        breast.cleavage.cp2 = {
            x: breast.cleavage.x,
    y: breast.cleavage.y - 2.5 - breastFullness * 0.15

        let sp = splitCurve(clamp((breastFullness + 5) / 30, 0, 1),
            breast.cleavage); = sp.left.p2;
        breast.cleavage = sp.right.p2;

Anyway, I'm constantly tinkering with it to get better results. You can see the difference in the default (pre-transformed) avatar between version 0.9 and the current 0.11 version here

That's a really long way to say "because I'm autistic"

Well, considering I actually find the math involved in working out giggaboobs interesting, I think that goes without saying, don't you?

Yes, you are worth a study.

Lmao this is real. This is one of the most degenerate things posted here, congratulations.

These sprites look dogshit.

Oh shit I played that game

r/Drama used to be good

r/Drama was never good

Stay seething approvelet

Pre-banout r/drama didn't have my Hillary posting though, so clearly the current version is the superior one

Whenever you decide to take the next logical step im game development and become a trans woman, make sure to have another write up like this.

dude bussy lmao

lmao it looks like the mods are good for something after all.

That's pretty cool, congrats on being productive

I like the parts where you call the mods shitty and the sub boring.

EDIT: LMAO at drama mods changing the automod because they were unironically triggered by my actual words

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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  1. Queen of the Seas - Outline

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