r/sbubby: Daddy is far right

21  2019-05-29 by ardasyenden


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Trump is half of a neoliberal grafted onto a retiree who says, "this used to be a nice neighborhood before all those Chinamen moved in."

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. r/sbubby: Daddy is far right - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Centrist stance:

Daddy is facist AND👏🏿THATS👏🏿A👏🏿GOOD👏🏿THING👏🏿

Realist stance:

Trump is a boring president who has barely done anything, and is not even remotely far-right because he's not even explicitly racist.

Wow stop beeing so alt right.

Reminder that a ton of people sperged out because far cry 5 wasn't political enough. They wanted the cult to be bigots and they wanted it to be full of trump references.

What kind of fucking disgusting creature actively wants their entertainment to be obnoxiously political?

I want my entertainment to be horrendously dated the minute a new president takes office, thanks.

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.

they auto filter the N slur now

Is that a bad thing?

That's copypasta.

censorship forces creativity. Nate higgers, basketball americans, etc

Who the fuck could see that game and say it's not political enough? Have people lost the ability to grasp anything that isn't completely thrown in their face?

Trump's right wing death squads when?