Moids rise up in r/unpopular opinion; gets crossposted to r/MRA, r/Destiny, and r/opinionscirclejerk

45  2019-05-29 by Tzar-Romulus


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If a moid spends an hour REEEEEEEing over a biological fact (sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive), he unironically is expendable and the world is better off without him.

If he posts bussy, however, he becomes immediately more valuable than a foid.

It's more that uteruses are expensive. Every woman is born with more eggs than she has time to pop out.

i wasn't doxxed, but i don't enjoy reddit as much as i used to. it feels like an addiction or a distraction at the moment and it's surprisingly sad how often i am noticing myself think "oh you should take a picture of this and share it" or "that's a funny story you should post this", i don't seem to enjoy doing things for the sake of it any more and rather it's me trying to get reactions out of people, whether that's disgust or laughter. last month i challenged myself to take a week off reddit because i noticed i was on it too much, i lasted 2 days and then started coming back on now, so recently i just thought fuck it i need to be able to go more than 2 days without going on here, that's not healthy. i was going to write something more in depth but i really just need to stop coming on here for a while, i said a month to myself so i'll go for that. the more time i spend on reddit, the less time i spend doing other things and it's not worth it for me. i see people spending so much time on social media and said i never wanted to be like them but i have become like that. so ill probably make a blog/video/something in a few weeks just to talk about it properly because i think a lot of people will be in similar positions and won't be aware of it or willing to try and change.

there's a lot on my mind at the moment so i just need to step back and think about what i should do now.


  1. Moids rise up in r/unpopular opinio... -,,

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Thats why i live in Japan. Men literally have a valentines day devoted to them.

Mayo admits to creating hapas. 🤢😔

As long it ends the white race I'm fine with it

Don't fall for that divide and conquer bullshit.

The left and the right, they are trying to squeeze us in groups: men, women, trans; black, white, asian; straight, gay, queer... They try to pit us against each other to control us.

But that's not life.

Like, men represent most of the things I fear in life. When I'm locking my door at night, I'm not afraid of female psychos breaking in. When I'm in the last subway at 2am and a group of rowdy drunks enters my carriage, I'm amused if they're girls, I'm alerted if they're guys. Drunk girls have never wanted to beat the shit out of me for looking at them funny. Nine out of ten times somebody tailgates me in traffic, it's a dude. There were no women hijacking those planes on 9/11 expecting to be rewarded with 40 male virgins in the afterlife.

Does any of that mean I hate men? Of course not. Outside of my girlfriend and my mom, every awesome person I know is a man. My dad, my brother and all my friends (I used to have girl friends in college, but over the past 15 years my peer group has become very male).

You feel like you're currently getting the short end of the stick and women get preferential treatment. Well, most women feel the same way. And it we compare notes, we'll find that both sides are right. Men and women just have different sets of issues in our gendered society.

The current political climate in the US seems very third-wave feminist, but at the same time laws are being passed to limit their access to abortions. It took until the mid-1800s for married women to be considered equal to their husbands, it wasn't until 1920 that they were allowed to vote.

You may consider this ancient history, but women have had to fight against male dominance since forever. And if they stopped fighting now, they'd slowly lose all ground gained, because there is a tendency among a part of the male population to not consider women equal.

"don't fall for that divide and conquer bullshit" "also here's why men are the fucking worst"

never change, soyboys

he does make a good case tho

He makes a good case that he’s a fucking nutter

a dude may punch you but he wont fuck your best friend (or if he does, you'll be banging him too mmm bussy)

a dude may punch you but he wont fuck your best friend

well thats not very nice

he should make love not do violence

Dude bussy lmso

The only reason he’s not afraid of foids is because they’re psychos that ARENT successful at that shit most of the time. Let’s be honest if you’re worried about a gendered psycho no matter what you’re probably neurotic and weak

What a load of whiny bullshit

hitler was wrong because the idea of jews having power over me hurts my white pride

Pointless rant about something only a shitted on minority cares about unless the world changes this never will

A rant that has managed to make many seethe. Which is good for drama. I can't imagine why someone would think this is a bad thing.

Man you really like drama and the word seethe, well that is until you get got and delete your comments lol.

❤ drama

❤ S E E T H E


I've inspired a normal, well adjusted person to follow me around Reddit. That's a win 😉

Welcome to drama by the way, please see Saruh for your complementary dilation kit.

Winning? Since this is a subreddit for drama, let's take a look at the comment you deleted in a post about Rapist Brock Turner.

I remember what you said. Do you? What made you delete it?

And btw I haven't followed you around at all. This is just the second time I've ran into you in less than 24 hours, but you do love your drama, and you do love to be edgy, so maybe you show up all over the place.

It was something along the lines of "I scroll down this far to laugh at mongs". Somehow that comment still has you upset, long after I deleted it for being uninspired bait.

This is your first time posting in drama and you "just happen" to run into me here? 😊

Yes ma'am 😊😁😊

who will penetrate whom? can't wait to find out

Summer Reddit. Where every lil bitch has an account less than a month old and drop the most basic played out faggotron bullshit. Y'all up in here 8th graders!!!! Yasss queen!

It would appear you will be the receptive sexual partner. Have fun 👍🏿

Bro. The luls on that comment are fucking dank yo. Never heard that one. You get that from Ashlynn? Or no it was Colton. You guys should hang out and my pool party. You guys have the best unoriginal comments that grip on to a troll comment, and feel like you are "winning" the I don't get enough attention at home game. With back soon guys.


BRUH!!!! GIGACOPE GOTEEM. Fucking dumb ass neck beard having ass retarded cunt. This is getting boring god damn. Hit me with some real shit if you are going to Asperger out mah dude. Fuck it's easy to be a noormmie fag like you. Just keep writing me back. Please.

Lol you should feel really bad about that comment, even ironically it's atrocious. It's boring, the only sin

Holy shit! You are also a Redditor as of one fucking week ago! This is Summer Reddit lol. Seriously this is super entertaining. You guys all go to middle school together lolololol Jesus Christ. Does some one have a Reddit account older than 2 months with something to say?????

You lil bitches are hilarious. I've never seen so many accounts less than a month old in my life. You cunts are multiplying lol.

If it's so "atrociously boring" (lol basic ass fat girl learned a new word) why are you replying???? Y'all just keep feeding me. My power grows!!!


I don't see much seething. Just a bunch of men agreeing with him.

On the new android this emoji doesn't have a blush. What could be done about it?

Forsake your disgusting phoneposter ways and embrace the superior PC copy and paste meta

Unacceptable solution: I don't want to take the laptop to the restroom. Inb4 not using piss bottles: I'm actually employed.

I'm actually employed.


Everyone else is upset about that tho

I love all the random capitalized words, really takes this spergout to the next level.

How about using real numbers instead of incel generated fake numbers, you disgusting liar?

Someone recently commented this in his post from 6 hours ago.

are incels known for generating numbers? i dont get how theyre using the term all over the place now

Did I just read the first manifesto posted on Reddit?

Lmao they deleted it

“Removed” means a mod aborted it

It's a mod's right to choose

Too woke had to shut it down

i always like when someone does that quote "equality feels like oppression when youre used to privilege" because it works so well for out of touch coddled women

What's the woke counter to that when they've already established that privilege/white supremacy/power can infect your thinking and being without you knowing it?

why do the most based and pizzapilled posts on /r/unpopularopinion get deleted?

Women have historically been valued as shiny, pretty, child producing objects that can't be taken seriously, that can't be trusted to do anything of importance, but that will be infantilized and protected.

This theory seems totally absurd to me. My grandmothers (born around 1920) both worked and were very capable and were treated as such. My great-grandmother (born around 1900) was super formidable. I'm sure if you go back further in time you'd find women were also respected as the very capable and productive people they were and needed to be.

Maybe some women were treated like silly children but the idea that this was the norm is borderline retarded.