AHS is already doing the thing lol

48  2019-05-29 by Lee13412


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Hey OP, pretty sure you're the r-slur this time. Look between his fingers.


Doesn't that symbol show up in Half Life 2?

Why are you asking me?

Because you look like a gaymer

Gaymers are not welcome here. Day of the magnet soon!

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. AHS is already doing the thing lol - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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They are dumb. But not wrong about the sun symbol.

AHS: haha you are stupid you cant just make something a hate symbol, we see right through this.

AHS a week later: Did you notice dwayne johnson used a hashtag in a tweet? I always knew he was a nazi.


You're shadowbanned.

I thought only admins can shadowban


Am I rarted

yes, but you don't appear to be shadowbanned anymore as i can see you

That's not the user that was shadowbanned.

He is rarted too


me too


Could it be the black sun obviously sitting in the middle of the hashtag? No it must be people freaking out about hastags being the "next aut right hate symbol"

Damn frenposters are retarded

CNN just had a segment on the hashtag = hate symbol thing.

We’re doomed as a society.

Oh nah don't worry about that. If that's what I'm thinking of, it was a fake.

If true, we fucked.

If I got suckered by a fake, yay

yea that was a joke. that said, given the ok_hand thing worked, expect in a year or two the hash thing to work too

Except they didn't, the only proof of CNN covering it is a Photoshopped pic

If the past is any indication, we’ll be seeing hashtags listed as hate symbols by the ADL any day now

I really think our 4chan friends should just make the DNC donkey a hate symbol.

I want to watch the shitshow.

Better idea, wait for the 2020 democratic frontrunner to come out with a symbol and slogan, instantly make both of them hate symbols.