Blessed Daily Hillary Post: Hillary in High School (Blunder Years? What Blunder Years?!)

79  2019-05-29 by Mamalgam


The more I learn about Hillary the more I wish I'd voted for her. Did you know she has a body count?

I'd love to be surprised from behind by Hillary

She can preside over my republic anytime.

She look boy

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. Blessed Daily Hillary Post: Hillary... -,

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What a cute boy!

Id love to smack her titties around

gay. also rape. she looks like a downey. never reached the age of consent. never will.

fuck lmao the title is right

Only the most accurate title for my favorite future president :)

That is one hot Goldwater Girl.

Why is the nsfw?

The whole sub is, you brainlet


She looks like a Brazzers porn star or something

She looks like the exact kind of librarian I want to plow.

Sexy Arachno-Librarian!

how tf do you go from this to this

That's just 70s style.

I bet she used to give great heaf

But she always insists 'it's her turn', so get ready to return the favor guys.

What a cutie 😍


I never really understood what this phrase meant and I'm too lazy to google. Enlighten me pls?

q = cue
t = tee
3.14 = pi

Cutie pie.

Holy shit. I always read it was cutie 3.14 lmao. Thanks <3

You buy extended warranties for your vehicles, don't you?

Nibba what

Fresh meme playboy

Unrelated question, but did your parents drop you on your head as a child?

Do your fellow window lickers look down on you in disgust?

They wouldn't be licking the window if they were disgusted

when your blunder years happened at age 68

As far as I'm concerned, she never has and never could make a misstep.