This is the future HardIsLife wants.

81  2019-05-29 by TaysSecondGussy


Eww is that a 2x user

Hard? Probably.

>when incels get in so deep that they develop an entirely new type of humiliation fetish

Have you read Elliot Rodgers manifesto? His predictions were comparable to this. really makes u think

EDIT: No wait, it was just as retarded but in reverse xd:

In fully realizing these truths about the world, I have created the ultimate and perfect ideology of how a fair and pure world would work. In an ideal world, sexuality would not exist. It must be outlawed. In a world without sex, humanity will be pure and civilized. Men will grow up healthily, without having to worry about such a barbaric act. All men will grow up fair and equal, because no man will be able to experience the pleasures of sex while others are denied it. The human race will evolve to an entirely new level of civilization, completely devoid of all the impurity and degeneracy that exists today.

In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves would have to be abolished. All women must be quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society. In order carry this out, there must exist a new and powerful type of government, under the control of one divine ruler, such as myself. The ruler that establishes this new order would have complete control over every aspect of society, in order to direct it towards a good and pure place. At the disposal of this government, there needs to be a highly trained army of fanatically loyal troops, in order to enforce such revolutionary laws. The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’t have them, no one will,I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.

A few women would be spared, however, for the sake of reproduction. These women would be kept and bred in secret labs. There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm samples in order to produce offspring. Their depraved nature will slowly be bred out of them in time.

All men will grow up fair and equal, because no man will be able to experience the pleasures of sex while others are denied it

People in third world countries who have barely any food, are terrorized by warlords, and will die by 35 fuck, but their lives are still unimaginably worse than Elliot Rodger’s. How can someone possibly have their head that far up their ass? I know he’s a school shooter, but even still

Those people could at least get with their looks-match, something Elliot was denied.

Because he was fucking insane.

Nah, I prefer blaming foids.

How can someone possibly have their head that far up their ass?

Unironically developmental/personality disorders. A lot of these school shooters also have similar traits. Where Elliot Rodger is different is his hyperfocus on GF and his fucked up relationship with his mother. Apart from that it's pretty standard fare.

In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves would have to be abolished.




Fake and gay. The alpha woman would produce smaller, infertile women to do the work. Men would only be produced when the colony needs more queens as sex with the princesses would be their only use. At that point humanity should rejoice because being eusocial is the fucking pinnacle of evolution.

Incels need to learn biology 🙄

Hmm. True but even Eusocial foidism gets jealous if a drone wears a cuter outfit.

Ant species that are sexually gamergate (I’m not even making this up) rip off the babies pheromone producing organs so they won’t be a threat. I assume cute rompers will be treated the same way.


It makes sense now. All of it. How did we not see this before?

Tfw you realize people with feeder fetishes are more evolved than the rest of us 😳

I can choose not to realize that just fine.

Holy shit, of all things, ants were the true woke ones

So basically an ant colony.

We’d probably be more like naked mole rats, but yeah ants bees and wasps are also eusocial

HardIsLife thirst, the new trappysaruh thirst, which is the new snallygaster thirst.

Not sure if r/drama is getting worse, but it definitely is getting more retarded.

No one was ever thirsty for snally BUT ME. I’ll fight everyone for m’lady’s honor

Yeah, trappy hasn’t uploaded any pics in a couple weeks.

Snally? Isn’t she like a gen X boomer?



drama nibbas really out here orbitting a trap lmao

Checks yer flair


Nothing wrong stanning the superior female

imagine not orbiting [b/tr]ussy

cis foids are inferior in every way possible. in an ideal world everyone will be born as a moid first.


Isn’t she like a gen X boomer?

Even older


What about sexycyborg?

discord was a mistake, now everyone in this sub wants to be in the Cool Tranny Clique

What is the yellow stuff? Just asking questions.

Wow imagine being so cucked that you think this is the future and not the way it already is

The chads and the incels died in that world, only the betas lived.

I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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I'm With Her!

Based and eusociality-pilled

Why does the 'queen' have a bunch of dick arms pissing on people?

A humans-as-bees sci fi setting might be kinda cool with a decent writer actually.

Frank Herbert died in vain

What is hardislife

This Asian foid that does computer shit, likes lame tv shows, and rather dislikes maleoids.


I mean she’s just like a drama poster. If you search her she had a ton of posts last week I think. Not really much more to it.

Nothing comes up on reddit search do my work for me autist

The nsfw thing is messing shit up and I’m on mobile. She will prob pop in eventually.

Can someone with a lower IQ explain this part to me?

It’s 2050 and it’s illegal for a man to play a guitar in a public place or to know what time it is. Men have to guess