He just wants to give her kisses 😘😘😘

233  2019-05-29 by BeIIeAryan


but how else is Shaqwanda gonna learn her lesson?

Her name is obviously Laquanda.

Neigh, her name is Daneshqwa

And she is a QWEUEEEEN

Yikes, lot of stereotypes to unpack here.


Can you explain this?

  • Child exhibiting lack of respect for authority
  • Dindu bull running around outside, attacking children
  • Indifference towards child in danger (plenty more where that came from)

I don't have my dabacus handy, but doing the napkin math this adds up.

You forgot the shitty, uncared for backyard.

You forgot an uncanny ability to climb.




Are the bars there so that sweet pibble can't chew his way into the home to get a toddler snack?

  • Innate climbing skills


Start unpacking.

Username checks out

Illinois just legalized pot.

Say it with me!


Why did your hands change color?

Before and after pibble kisses

It's not racist if you're inclusive of anyone but Mayo's.

This but unironically

This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. He just wants to give her kisses 😘😘... - archive.org, archive.today

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If pit bulls are only 3% of dogs why do they commit 40% of all dog crime.

Socio Economic Factors

Because 120 years ago, white labs kept pibbles in chains.

Stereotype threat





Just needs to become a greentext shot next.



If I posted the face book link I would be banned, I did a similar thing during the thotpatrol and the jannies weren't having it.

The child is completely unharmed.

Oh I get it you hate pitbulls

Not me, I hate all animals equally.


Don't call it hate

No I don't.

We love pitties, especially when they give kisses!

What a C U T I E!! Look at that boootiful snoot!! Kids who play with dogs are the HAP😁IEST and most well adjusted!!!

Based facebook parent 😎
