Syrian weeb points out that garbage meme is garbage.

7  2019-05-29 by VeryMuchDownbeat


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Trans people will stop putting their existence on blast when they stop getting murdered in the streets, and prevented from taking the medically necessary steps for them to deal with any gender dysphoria they may have. Until then, stay mad.

This is what trannies actually believe lmao. Spam the shitty memes until the imaginary killers go away

And the life expectancy of trans people in the US is in the early 20s.

lol what in tarnation

Trannies live half as long as people in the country with the worst life expectancy in the world?

Zero percent chance.

there are actual trans people in jojo

Guarantee you this person is talking about the panel where Araki drew Anasui as a woman and retconned it

Trannies and commies are a lot a like in that they will sperg out about they’re personal views and problems in any place, whether if it’s a appropriate or not. If you point this out they’ll usually accuse you of being a “garbage person” or something like that.


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Syrian weeb points out that garbage... -,,

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