Fox News gets into a Twitter spat with Chinese state television, culminating in a live debate on TV

10  2019-05-30 by TheLordHighExecu


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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  1. Fox News gets into a Twitter spat w... -,

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Anyone who shares a NY Times article either a) has a subscription to it (lol pays for tard journalism) or b) hasn't run out of monthly free articles (illiterate, doesn't know anything about current events.)

imagine not having bypasspaywall in your browser

its over for illiterate-techcels

It's over for mobile niggas 😔

Jew York Times won't let me read in incognito mode.

The fact that neither Fox News or the Chinese State News don't know better than not talk to each other says a lot.