Book Review: "The Great Replacement"

22  2019-05-30 by b-haze

he recent shooting in Christchurch has brought quite a lot of attention to its perpetrator, as well as to his manifesto. But not everyone can be Uncle Ted, and not all manifestos are worth being promoted. So what about this one? Is it worth a read? Let's find out!


While manifestos usually contain an autobiographical section, the author chose a Q&A-style section instead. But was that a great replacement? Sadly far from it. Most questions are answered in a few short sentences, removing any chance for us to explore the authors character -- he really should have read Elliot Rodger. This section is followed by a chapter containing short texts addressed to various groups. To the authors credit, these are well-structured and have enough diversity to be entertaining. The last chapter with various ideological bits however far outstays its welcome -- it is here that the authors limitations become the clearest: "Pathos-filled street preacher" is something few can pull of.


The best thing I can say about the writing is that it at least isn't as bad as what Dylan Roof shat out. It is littered with various errors that make me seriously doubt the author ever finished elementary school. But far worse is its habit of devolving into far-too-long rehearsals, which read like buddhist texts if they were written by a psychotic crackhead. Luckily there are a few quotes strewn around -- these manage to offset the clumsy melodramatic tone with their less clumsy melodramatic tone.

I'll let this sample speak for itself:

Art and beauty  subverted beyond all recognition, bauhaus travesties replacing nouveau
wonders,soulless metropolitan architecture of glass and steel reflecting no
society, no culture, no people and therefore belonging everywhere, and
no where. Suicidal, nihilistic and degenerate pop icons produced from a
dead culture: Michael Jackson(pedophile, self hating, self mutilating,
opiod addict);Madonna(degenerate,drug addict, childless, whore,
anti-christian, pro miscegenation) Kurt Cobain(suicidal, drug addict, self
hater, anti-social), Freddy Mercury(lifelong identity crisis, lifelong battle
with hedonism and drug use, eventual death due to sexual hedonism)just
to name a few.Empty nurseries, full casinos, empty churches and full
mosques, entropy in blitzspeed.Politicians writ in the same ink as
Eligabolus, worshiping all that is foreign, poisonous and subversive.


It's shit. What did you expect from someone who can't even manage to get the presentation right? There's honestly not too much interesting, but here are a few highlights:

No group ordered my attack, I make the decision myself. Though I
did contact the reborn Knights Templar for a blessing in support of the
attack, which was given.

If you're as avid a reader of manifestos as I am, you will without doubt spot this reference to the "Knights Templar" secret society introduced in Breiviks manifesto. Crossover episodes are fun, and personally I appreciate the worldbuilding. Are these "Knights Templar" real? It read like a LARP in Breivik, and apart from being a retard our author is an unreliable narrator too. So, I doubt it.

[...] there was a much larger work written, roughly 240
pagies long that spoke on many issues and went into much depth, but in a
moment of unbridled self criticism, I deleted the entire work and started
again, two weeks before the attack itself.
I was left with a short period of time to create

Sadly this one wasn't deleted too. Imagine 240 pages of this drivel! The referred-to moment of self criticism might be the only of this kind the author had in his live.

Memes have done more for the ethno-nationalist movement than any manifesto.

I must correct myself -- the realization that the "ethno-nationalist movement" is a meme one makes this the second moment of self-realization in the authors live.

Apart from those snippets there are a few sections in which our writer displays a strange obsession with Turks in particular. No other "invaders" are called out by ethnicity. I suspect he was rejected by a handsome and charming Turkish stud once.


Above all, just don’t be stale,placid and boring. No one is inspired by Jeb Bush.

So, should you read it? No. The only reason to do so is that you're like me and gain the kind of autistic satisfaction from reading manifestos usually reserved for watching trains. It's terrible, apart from the cover. The "Harry Potter" of manifestos. Or, in the authors own words: "stale, placid and boring".

Score: solid 2/5.


I for one am happy that the Navy Seal copypasta has entered English literature for eternity.

good review. I dream of a day when someone starts killing academics and makes an updated version of ISAIF. This person should spend years writing it as well as analyzing the original and becoming the Plato to Teddy’s Socrates. None of this 2 weeks before a shooting shit.

To the FBI man or admin reading this, I don’t support violence I just wanna read something interesting. Actually nvm if you’re a reddit jannie then just delete this post for free lol.

good review. I dream of a day when someone starts killing academics and makes an updated version of ISAIF. This person should spend years writing it as well as analyzing the original and becoming the Plato to Teddy’s Socrates. None of this 2 weeks before a shooting shit.

To the FBI man or admin reading this, I don’t support violence I just wanna read something interesting. Actually nvm if you’re a reddit jannie then just delete this post for free lol.

I dream of a day when someone starts killing academics and makes an updated version of ISAIF.

Me too, me too. It's not even that they all just take 2 weeks. Breivik spent far longer, and his manifesto isn't well written either. I might review it next honestly.

You should check out the Camp of the Saints

I will, the synopsis sounds promising.