Sexual Harrassment panda visits Coachella, the boys aren't impressed

21  2019-05-30 by tHeSiD


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Sexual Harrassment panda visits Coa... -,,

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I loved reading all these acts of kindness and bravery by redditors in the ‘pit’ at killswitch engage and breaking Benjamin concerts. Very inspiring stuff. Special shout out to the upstanding gentlesir who escorted a kindly old hispanic woman to safety at a Dropkick Murphy show.

Holy fuck how pussy has “punk” become.

Kind of feels like the "cool" music is that shit parents and teachers put out to appeal to kids while teaching them manners these days. Or that old church lady rap song about Jesus Christ being my nigga.

punk has always been lame

The last concert I went to, everyone was the biggest asshole you would have expected them to be. There was none of this brother sister camaraderie fairy tale bullshit in that ama thread.


Also I was really mad because they refused to let me take in my tiny purse with tampons and wallet yet everyone was allowed to have their giant bags with beach balls, lawn chairs, and drugs. They were huge assholes to me at the ticket gate because I wanted to take my purse in but they wouldn't let me. Everyone had a giant beach bag but my purse with 4 tampons and wallet was a problem. We argued about it and eventually I had to take my fucking purse back to the car and go back to my car every time I wanted a tampon or needed money because I was dumb and didn't have pockets.


It was the worst fucking concert ever and I'm never going to one again.