MoviesCircleJerk SEETHES at toxic people (AKA those with different opinions)

30  2019-05-30 by quality_bratwurst


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I swear r/moviescirclejerk is the most miserable unfunny circlejerk subreddit on this site. All they do is seriouspost and whine about capeshit and spaceshit 24/7. Which is funny because they claim to be above it all yet constantly have autistic threads full of users posting walls of text arguing about the same inane blockbusters they were supposed to be mocking.

Most miserable sub is that or gcj

r/marvelstudios is a shit sub this one guy spammed the entire front page with clips from captain marvel and I asked him to stop and was downvoted to hell then muted

/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. MoviesCircleJerk SEETHES at toxic p... -,,

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Gojira San died disu shitu

Consume product and then be excited for next products.

there's people online who like the movies i like but they act in a really yikesy way, guess i have to stop liking those movies

The only good jerk left is the original r/circlejerk

not even knowing about /r/programmingcirclejerk

I don't have to know about the pros of virginity after I've already lost it

it's never a bad time to learn to code

Your unconscious bigotry is showing.

MoviesCircleJerk seethes

What's new?

remember the wise words of those hack frauds

I have literally seen nothing from r/marvelstudios that isn't embarrassing dicksucking for karma or as hominem attacks toward anyone who dares criticise the MCU. How the hell is that not the epitome of toxicity.

Praise and criticism are like Yin and Yang you fucking nimrods. You need both to exist for either to work.

What’s more disturbing is that it’s probably one of the most blatant cases of corporate astroturfing and advertising on reddit. Most of the time some product’s logo is visible in a picture, you usually get the /r/HailCorporate people making accusations, justified or not.

But Marvel gets a free pass. Plaster their logo in your subreddit, users upload posts of all their plastic shit, costumes, posters, and whatever else that just advertise Marvel. Perhaps a few accounts are bot shills. Perhaps they are all not shills, but just consumers who normally criticize American corporate culture but don’t think twice when you slap a cape on your product.

Fucking capeshitters

MCJ is a parody of a circlejerk sub, unironically cheerleading the most soulless focus-grouped drivel churned out from faceless megacorporations

Was not always that way. After BvS came out and people started saying "DC BAD" in that subreddit a bunch of unironic Marvel Shill's took over. Now it's gotten too big, it was much better when it was under 10k.

Doesn't matter what started it, it's all capeshit trash

No it is not DramaNaut. Stay mad. Only like 3 of em are really good movie.

Time for me to burn capeshit. 👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥