Uh oh, what did Daddy mean by this tweet about Russia???

70  2019-05-30 by lifesbrink


rent. free.

fent. rree.

Really makes ya think.

Holy shit all the top replies were from a Qanon boomer twitter, the dumbest conspiracy since flat earth is mainstream.

He’s retarded. That’s the only explanation needed. DDF think he’s playing 4D chess and blue checkmarks think he’s a Nazi dictator criminal mastermind but he’s simply retarded. Pretty entertaining though.

he’s simply retarded

I can think of no one better to represent the american "people"

The hamburglar?

Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Imagine trying to pretend this isn't dramatic.

Nobody cares if this is daddy's dementia kicking in, if he's illiterate, or if this is a freudian slip, it absolutely is a source of drama and claiming otherwise shows you don't support /r/drama culture.

Lmao, both wings are yelling cope at each other. It's beautiful.

Though to be fair, each has ample reason to do so. The right, for electing a retard; the left, for being too ineffective to do anything about it. It's over for americels.

It's fucking hilarious that the Republicans elected this retard, now they have to defend every stupid thing he does. What's even funnier is that the Democrats lost to this retard and now they have to cope with it.

Every time I think Russia truthers might be ready to hang up their hats, the media refreshes the conspiracy theory. God bless the media, unironically!

"Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I'm f*cked."

You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


  1. Uh oh, what did Daddy mean by this ... - archive.org, archive.today

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I thought everyone already knew Russia was helping Trump get elected? Trump literally asked Russia to leak Hillary's emails during his campaign.

tfw a r/worldnews comment section is smarter than the "totally not leftoid mommy lovers" here in /r/Drama

[–]goatofglee 4614 points 7 hours ago*2

People had my hopes up. This is weak sauce. They'll just say he misspoke. Trump is terrible at speaking to begin with.

You're reaching, and it really sucks, because I was thinking, "Finally! Finally a confession and now we can be rid of him and his bigotry." You can't believe that this is actually a confession.

Edit: RIP my inbox. Thank you for the silver! I've never gotten one before! <3

That's gonna be a cope from you dawg

You have to go back

I mean Hilary did her best to get him elected too by helping him win the republican primary

indictment when?

Sitting President cannot be charged with a crime. Has to be impeached in the house and convicted in the Senate :(

that's just the doj guideline, never got tested in a supreme court case

also states can charge president with a crime

yeah yeah i am watching this political bullshit too much

I guess I need to remind you that Hilary Clinton is not and never will be a sitting president :(

I didn’t vote for her

Crystal gal or I love weed and kid jhonson ?

there was only one reasonable choice


no i am kidding it was McAfee

>pretending Hitlery isn't the sitting president of the (((Deep State)))

He was 100% right the first time

That's what I meant. I thought it was common knowledge that Russia helped Trump. I thought the whole scandal was about whether or not he colluded. How is this the big new story of the day?

lmao at the people sperging out at this

Lmao at the ddf rushing to pretend Russia didn't help trump get elected.

Lmao mcfluffers trying to stretch a badly worded tweet into admittance.

Trump's too stupid to mean what he says-ddf


DDF: He didn't mean what he said. Everytime.

One day you will get him McFluff, maybe if you post enough trump tweets to /r/drama he will finally get impeached for being too incompetent to type on a phone.


pretend Russia didn't help trump get elected.

by making fake BLM facebook groups


So you've got no idea what your talking about. Got it.

ignoring that obama literally sent a team to Israel to interfere with their elections and no body gave a fuck

t. reddit


1)But hillareeeeee

2)But Obummer

3)But deep dish pizza state

4)But Uranus cum

5)But rent Freeeeeeeeeeee

6)But muh TiiDdieS

7)But Tranniiiiiiieeeessss

8)But muh Libtards Rekt TM esskeeet

How did you guess my Memento-like collection of tattoos?

Caring about America interfering with other nations' elections is commie talk.

Somehow those who voted Trump also voted Republican down the ticket in the exact same ratios as every other election.



A thing was said? On the internet??


The title is completely contradicted by

Mr. Trump has been reluctant to fully embrace the intelligence agencies’ findings that Russia was behind the 2016 election interference, but he has consistently argued that he alone was responsible for his unexpected victory. 

Either he's been consistent or he hasn't. And the tweet definitely doesn't say "Russia got me elected". You can read it that way and that's obviously what they've chosen to do.

He literally said Russia helped me get elected. How else do you interpret those words?

That it's just him acknowledging something people talk about. But like someone else said, he's an illiterate.

surely blumpf is fucking finished now

I'm going to guess in reality he threw the tweet together in 2 minutes and also is barely literate so his shitty grammar led to unclear meaning

Opinion mostly discarded for using the blormogfhf meme but this is probably the case, the guy is barely sentient and probably didn't understand what he was implying



Unironically temp banning all "Blumfpf/Drumpff/Garzumpff" posters from now on. It's a plague that has been left unchecked in our subreddit for way too long.

Shut the fuck up janny

Edit: Janny proceeds to engage in the ultimate cope and bans me. Imagine doing it for free on the most retarded board on Reddit.

Nobody cares about your opinions on what the sub should look like, be a good little janny and sweep the child porn up when it appears.

You just had to tempt fate, didn't you?

post history of making fun of DDF/alt righters



Damn r/dramorf is finished

It's over for r/fphlamapthfth


absolute state of drama mods

are you ok janny?

based and janniepilled

mod for 11 days

Can a better mod take away this child's toys before they shoot up a movie theater?

a better mod

I'd tell you to step up, but as an unironic /r/Conservative mod, you are the personification of the untermensch.

Unbanned to see if you attempt to defend yourself. Hopefully you're not on your way to burn a black church already.

I'd tell you to step up, but as an unironic /r/Conservative mod, you are the personification of the untermensch.

I am literally shaking rn.

I like how you ignore all the really unconservative subs I mod too.

Unbanned to see if you attempt to defend yourself.

Not hard to defend myself against a spergy janny.

Hopefully you're not on your way to burn a black church already.

You mean the one where a black confesses to doing it to make it politcally charged?

Holy fuck, ez.

And to address part of your seething ban message:

but if you'd read the sidebar you would know that mod abuse is not only covered, but subtly encouraged under the sun's rules.

It's called banter, learn to handle it without banning with tears in your eyes.

Go ahead, do it, a better mod than you will unban me anyway.

Sugar owned by Spy with FACTS and LOGIC

Trigger the libs

Own the libs 😎😎😎😎

How will BLUMFPF ever recover from this!

God, what a dumbass. This is hilarious.

/r/conservative can't acknowledge what happened.

All of the DDF are on the "merely pretending" routine rite nao
