Interesting thoughts and observations on unhygienic soylent preparation

11  2019-05-30 by watermark002

You know there's this weird thing with soylent. Sometimes if you don't clean the pitcher very well before preparing another batch, you'll come back the next morning and overnight somehow the texture and consistency will have changed. So that instead of being thick and smooth like a shake, it's kind of snotty? Like it tastes perfectly fine, but you know something is wrong here. I've tried to convince myself it's all in my head, it tastes fine so nothing can be wrong right. But every attempt at swallowing produces a powerful and overwhelming gag reflex. I've actually tasted slightly off flavor soylent, like if it's been in the fridge too long. But this soylent is so much worse.

It's hard to describe... it's kind of like a non Newtonian fluid? Except not consistent, it's thicker feeling in the center, and watery near the edge of your throat as your swallowing it. Kind of glopping in character. Almost exactly like what I imagine it would feel like to just open up my mouth and have someone loogie down my throat.

Or maybe cum, except like a lot. If you could just get like 100 guys to jizz in a cup, so that you had a big mouthful of it, and let it chill a bit, I think that would probably have a pretty similar texture.

Puss, yeah I think puss might work too.

Definitely thick bodily fluidish. Like the only thing I've ever tasted that has that exact texture besides thick glopping bodily fluids I think. And also it tastes just like regular soylent, not a bad taste, but that makes it even worse somehow. Like it's so unnatural to combine that texture, of one of the viscous bodily fluids, with the taste of a chilled and chocalatey beverage. The body just instantly recoils at the combination, it would probably be more appetizing if it actually just tasted like jizz, or puss, the body is at least familiar with that. It's that precise combo, your body is like, 'sigh, I know that feel, that shit came out of a hole didn't it. Goddamn degenerate. And... it's not body temperature, actually only about the warmth of a corpse. Not good. Anyway let me check against the taste to try and figure out which hole... wait, chocalate? And soy? ...oh dear lord under heaven, forgive us, for we have sinned, each day we stray further from your light... '

You know I don't want to just throw away a whole pitcher, it makes me feel bad. I've never heard of anything spoiling through texture and otherwise tasting fine. So I always wind up trying to be like, 'It's fine WM, it's all in your head' and trying to just drink a cup of it. But you know, if each swallow produces an instant gag reflex and immensely resists the entire way down, probably your body is trying to tell you something.

I'm thinking about patenting this though, might have some use in medicine for poison control. Near instant vomiting. On the other hand, it might be better to just try and stomach the poison. This stuff sort of gives you flavor ptsd, at random points in your life afterward the thought of it comes to you and you just begin gagging just from the memory. Permanent and deep psychological scars.