Jewish propaganda on MY Reddit? It’s more likely than you’d think

10  2019-05-30 by ardasyenden


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Alt accounts? On MY SITE!?

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Jewish propaganda on MY Reddit? It’... -,,

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oh wow reddit hates Jews what a surprise

the great jewish conspiracy been exposed. It was a retard with a lot of alts!

oh wow reddit hates Jews what a surprise

the great jewish conspiracy been exposed. It was a retard with a lot of alts!

the great jewish conspiracy been exposed. It was a retard with a lot of alts!

Oy Vey, we will be outed next.

oh wow reddit hates Jews what a surprise

the great jewish conspiracy been exposed. It was a retard with a lot of alts!