T_D COPEing hard

49  2019-05-30 by Ghdust2


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what do you consider to be sister subreddits? for instance, a lot of people who post on /r/cfb also post on /r/nfl etc etc

bc every time I see someone that posts in t_d they almost ALWAYS also post in the hentai subs

r/drama and r/feet

I usually see them posting on r/pawg


Posting or commenting? That's two different things here

You know the answer.

How many of them post in trans porn subs

football fan

Liking shitty JV league football

shitty JV league

I went to an SEC school bruh half the dudes that play there are physically ready to play in the nfl by the time they turn 19

Lol enjoy your modern slavery analogue you Dixie fuck

modern slavery analogue

I agree they should be paid, but that's on the schools not on the viewers/consumers. if we stop watching, how would that help them get paid?

also, if you'd gone to college, you'd probably know most of these star athletes are getting tons of cheddar under the table

I only knew track and hockey d1 atheletes

Redpill me on d1 football players

the good ones get paid several thousand dollars a year under the table, both in hard cash but also in cars, clothes, gear, and easy job hookups for their family

the great ones get that every month. also most of them are inner-city kids who are 19 years old and getting their first taste of things like money, fame, and beautiful women wanting to bang them. so they like to have a good time

That just makes it even better.

4d chess playing president is best president

How is setting himself up for impeachment playing 4d chess? If anything Trump is helping Democrats take him down by giving them 2020 attack ads.

You've been saying this for 2.5 years now. Its not happening, Booby.

He can say anything and get away with it. He won't be punished unless he loses the election next year.

Trump isn't King he can't say and do whatever he likes. There are limits to what a President can do in office. That is why Trump backpedaling on his latest statements.

No, he can't say or do whatever he wants in office. There are limits to what a President can do in office. That is why Trump is backpedaling on his latest statement.

lol, keep dreaming.

Also - lol on downvoting in drama

Dream about what kiddo? That Trump is backpedaling on his latest statement or his power is limited by the Constitution? You don't seem to understand how civics work.

No, that he can basically do anything because his base don't care.

His base will always coalesce to protect his honor and reputation. That's one thing that liberals don't understand, they throw each other under the bus constantly. Hell they honestly spend more time punching left than right, gotta show they're fair. Trump supporters do not base things on fairness, that isn't what their value system is ordered around. It's reputation to them purely.

Really the development of something simialiar on the left is sort of occurring, with their discovery of and addiction to internet social justice shaming. But they just destroy reputations, they don't create or preserve them. And 99% of the time it only ever even works against, again, their own side. While constant attempts to shame Trump as racist and predatory during the campaign just mostly ended up backfiring, the Trump supporters ton it as a personal shaming of them and became infuriated and dug in their heels to preserve it. While liberals are constantly shamed all day and all night by the right, again, they don't really care about or protect their own reputation. Who cares about that right?

"I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected." Best. troll. ever. r/ redacted is going crazy right now about that line, which means he included it intentionally. Hahaha!

Wow, this is either satire or Grade A COPE.

"He was merely pretending!"- t_D, 20XX

40 DD chess.

These people treat Trump as if he's their mafia boss or something. Like he tells a bad joke and they got to laugh really loud to make sure that everyone understand how funny their bosses joke objectively was, and they try to be the loudest so that they can make sure the boss knows they found it the funniest.

Except Trumps not a mafia boss, he's some queeny rich dude who's life really veign and obsessed with his image. And he's too senile at this point to actually know whether or not anyone laughed. No actual threat to anyone's life or livelihood here. They're just abasing themselves like dogs voluntarily. Is it like pity? Not sure.

It is much more objectively depressing though.


reality: https://mobile.twitter.com/bronzehammer/status/782408312730095616

This is literally the only chapocel meme that's amusing

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Democrats are obsessed with pulling off that thing from the west wing where the libtard makes such a breathtakingly awesome and epic argument that it just baffles the other side into silence, irl. Over and over again they cancel Trump. Somehow they never seemed to realize that the west wing is not a documentary and that in general no actual debate is going to end with the republican just stunned and silent. In fact those people were actors reading scripts, when by Aaron Sorkin, and their stunned silence is something Sorkin chose specifically to make them look foolish, because it does measure you look foolish when you just stand there gape jawed in awe of your opponents genius. But here's the thing, Republicans irl don't like looking incredibly foolish in an argument, so they choose not to do this, even when read even endless amounts of boilerplate self righteous liberal propaganda.

And Trump especially just comes up with whatever is on the top of his head, it's impossible for him to stop speaking. But I think liberals are just waiting for that day when they shout out that argument to Trump and he looks over and just becomes slack jawed, staring in awe at the genius of a liberal and the clearness and truth of their many cogent, think tank prepared points. And every liberal in america simultaneously creams their pants, and Trump stops being president. So they just keep on trying to do that, over and over again.

And Trump literally just dunks on them and walks off. Because he's not an actor reading Aaron Sorkin, and the West Wing isn't real.

Btw objectively the Bartlett administration way like total shit from a left wing perspective, seriously, eight years of liberalism, and the only really big thing they manage to pull off is to privatize social security. Weirdly you could almost say that the actual Bush administration was more further to the left than this fantasy liberal administration of DNC dreams. Because at least Bush never actually wound up privatizing social security! It's just incredible how fucking tepid liberals are. In their wildest dreams, their fantasies, they fights of fantasy, they only wind up doing shit like entitlement reform, and balancing the budget. Anyways bipartisan ofc, have to show off those reasonable Republicans just to not give the unfair impression that they're all bad. They accomplish all these things the mean Republicans always grill them on when their in power. See, liberals can take entitlement reform seriously, and balance the budget, and cut fiscal waste and welfare fraud.

And when the Democrat's lose, they're like 'Hmmmppphhhh, let's see how you're going to do entitlement reform, well it isn't so easy let me tell you that'. And then the Republicans immediately go hog wild shoving every power grab they can down the pipeline at full speed, along with of course a tax cut. And the Dems are like 'Wait, hey, but the budget?' as the Republicans, to everyone great shock, explode the deficit in order to help inflate the economy to get them reelected. And they're like 'Oh yeah, thanks a lot for taking the fall there for us and cutting all those programs that helped out vulnerable poor people, and keeping tax rates up, you had some shitty cycles because of that and it wound up costing you the election. But this wouldn't have be possible without your help'.

Wait they don't say that, it's more something like 'LOL suck it cuck' as they literally just heap endless streams of 30 year old law school graduates who have a mildly racist blog into federal judgeships, using arcane procedural tools that Democrats immediately condemn and promise not to use once they're back in office.

And the Democrats whisper 'hypocrites'. But never too loud ofc, they don't want to insult middle America.

And all those op Ed's in all those newspapers, all of the sudden these issues cease to be interesting to cover. Instead they start talking about the issues of the day, Suu whatever the GOP decided to talk about that day basically.

But not forever, there will be a Democrat in office again one day, and then the legend of entitlement reform will play on. And the Democrat's will once again cleverly cooperate with friendly reasonable moderate Republicans who promise, cross my heart, to only be interested in serious discussion, into once again willingly dumping all their political capital into basically teeing things up for the Republicans again.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Q predicted this! Trump's 4d chess pieces are about to checkmate the Clinton shadow administration. LOCK HER UP! KRAV MAGA!

68% upvoted


And as usual none of the drive-by downvoters will come and sperg for us

68% upvotes


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. T_D COPEing hard - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Don't get fooled! This is a brilliant 4D chess move. By recognizing that Russia helped him in the election by meddling he will be able to shine a light on Killarys collusion with Moscow.

boomers were a mistake, they all must be purged, inshQllah

he will be able to shine a light on Killarys collusion with Moscow.

They keep repeating this but even after all of R congresses digging they haven't found anything proving this even remotely true.

It doesn't matter if it's true, it gives the loyalists something to say in order to save face when embarrassed on the subject. It has a lot of utility in allowing the Trump people to turn things around basically when it comes to Russia. As for captain fact check in the comments, posting a 10k character reply detailing all of the ways in which the story is factually wrong, lol. Nobody read that far. The people who made the argument don't believe it, it's a strategy. Literally at the beginning of the argument we were talking about Trump and Russia, and at the end of it the Trump supporters have basically totally taken control of the narrative, everyone is talking about Hillary and Russia for some reason even though its retarded, the libtards are just dumping all they can into writing novellas to fact check those liars who dared to libel the queen. Like even if the Trump supporter comes off looking like an idiot, that doesn't matter, the point is that Trump was protected. And the libtards by impailing themselves on the bait are just writing a bunch of crud on why the Hillary and Russia narrative is so wrong, and all the readers remember afterward basically is that it was something and Hillary and Russia, and hey maybe these Hillary and Russia allegations have a ring of truth?

Republicans are very good at politics, framing, and strategy. Democrats are very, very, very, very bad at those things. If the Republicans want people to be talking about something, they'll figure out how to make that happen. Democrats have essentially no ability to do the same, Democrat's are always talking


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Don't ever leave us again, bb 🤗😍🤗

Is it required that you get more agendapost-y with every new account?

Moscow? Ya fools Hillary was working with Soros not Moscow.

lmao ur actually retarded. soros controls moscow

Soros controls everything, even my fingers while I type this comment.

Trump is working with Russia, but Hillary is working with the three local government authorities of the Moscow Federal city.

Did you get daddy yet?

moderator of r/PresidentWarren

who be copin?

Daily reminder that Seth rich died for his country, and that Julian assange dindu nuffin

This but extremely ironically

Seth Rich chose to cross Hillary, he knew what would happen. As did all those souls who chose to cross her in the past. The queen wants someone gone, they go OK? She doesn't even hesitate as she recites dozens of names from memory, that her assistant frantically copies down, and faxes out to Soros. She then heads to brunch with her staff, moving her face muscles into the 'smile' configuration as would logically be deemed appropriate. When the she reads about the deaths and the slow steady advance of her plan in the paper the next day, her face betrays no emotion. She has long outgrown those human limitations, silly things like guilt and the concept of good and evil that limit us and the pursuit of power.

She makes a special sign that one among her staff, who seems somewhat different than the rest, instantly recognizes. 30 minutes later, rockets fly out of the Gaza strip, and Israel immediately begins to scramble together a retaliatory mission against Hamas. Bombs wind up hitting a school, killing 30 children.

Well with this, her lips finally do cease upward slightly. She's surprised, it's been so long since she's had that feeling, of her face just moving without her explicit command.

But really sometimes it is just too easy. Her eyes light up, joy.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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72% upvoted

The COPE is coming from inside the sub

tfw a r/worldnews comment section is smarter than the "totally not leftoid mommy lovers" here in /r/Drama

[–]goatofglee 4614 points 7 hours ago*2

People had my hopes up. This is weak sauce. They'll just say he misspoke. Trump is terrible at speaking to begin with.

You're reaching, and it really sucks, because I was thinking, "Finally! Finally a confession and now we can be rid of him and his bigotry." You can't believe that this is actually a confession.

Edit: RIP my inbox. Thank you for the silver! I've never gotten one before! <3

He didn’t admit that a foreign state helped him win an election!

He’s just SUPER retarded in the brain.


libtards OWNED

Apparently Clinton and Obama and the deep state are actually running the country from a house near the White House:

“ Obama never actually stepped down as President. He bought a house down the road from The White House and had his former top advisor Valerie Jarrett move in with him. They call it the command central of the resistance. And Obama is flying around the country meeting with world leaders trying to renegotiate the deals Trump is negotiating. It’s pretty obvious now, Obama refuses to step down as President.

John Kerry refuses to step down as Secretary of State too. He’s been flying around the country as well - most notably Iran - and negotiating American foreign policy with world leaders contrary to the approach Mike Pompeo is taking. Again, this must be unprecedented. He’s refusing to give up the job of Secretary of State and seems to think he still holds the position.

Hillary Clinton refuses to accept the results of the 2016 election and continues to maintain the vote was invalidated by her laundry list of excuses. She refused to give a concession speech on the night of her loss, and the DNC immediately responded to President Trump’s victory by starting the #NotMyPresident movement. People who claim the Democrats accepted their loss when they started a #NotMyPresident movement are really not thinking clearly here. They started calling for his impeachment the night he won. That is not the smooth and respectful transition of power we are used to. This is unprecedented.

The intelligence community too has gone rogue, spying on the President and refusing to follow his orders. Brennan had his security clearance pulled and the IC refused to pull it. Disobeying Presidential orders is a direct violation of Presidential authority and the rule of law.”

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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