r/Forwardsfromgrandma-cel declares how Cuba has more democratic freedom than ye old U.S., causing a cascade of odd diatribes and misinformed opinions.

27  2019-05-30 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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Fuckin' gusanos šŸ˜¤.

Not only greily (on of the idiots of thay thread) is a tankie from chapotraphouse2, he's also a whinning idiots from chapotraphouse2, because after loosing the argument he himself linked the thread to his pals so they could brigade it.

CTH brigades make drama brigades look like a joke. Drama users do it to stir the pot and farm copes, chapocels do it because they feel their meme system of beliefs will be justified if it gets enough upvotes.

CTH brigades make CTH look like a joke.

Youā€™re not wrong lol. Though I do fucking love when they go into a police dog thread or a 9/11 thread, act all woke and then cry about how people are bootlickers for not supporting dead police dogs or wanting 3000 innocent people to die.

Is there a way we can report brigading?

To the admins, but unless something extra shitty happen they wouldnt give a shit. Srd still downvote brigades, so does cth, shitliberalssay and us to a lesser extent. Although chapo did a major fuck up recently. After nearly getting fucked by admins they added tankie mods from cth and suddenly tankie posts got the extra boost of upvotes..Current mod team of cth will probably fuck something up again by the end of this year

So we will probably get chapo closing drama 2.0

I love that they didnā€™t get banned, when they are more violent than mdefugges and CAutistes.

Their fucking banner is literally about the senate baseball shooting, and constantly post calls to violence.

But like I said, Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t. They think they are revolutionaries when the fucking ā€œguide to the revolutionā€ gets promoted by the same establishment they hate, ya guys, real fucking dangerous to that system lol. You canā€™t get banned for being the jannies for the status quo(they do it for free).

If I was guaranteed that I could get away with it, I would shoot this person without hesitation.