Anarchists admit they need to brainwash the peoples in order to be accepted. Accusations of "white supremacy" appear.

47  2019-05-30 by GodOfDarknessWine


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Wah white people having 'their' land seized is white genocide!

Fuck off liberal

Lmao all the other anarkidies turned on this tard.

Breaking: Water is wet, Leftoids turning on leftoids, more at 11

At least they turned on the retarded one.

Liberals have no understanding of loyalty and solidarity.

Honestly, I get hard just thinking about a chance to feel daddies soles on me. What shoe size do you think he has? I bet his footwear is immaculate, shiny, and exudes masculinity.

I’m not gonna look at post history, seems like he’s just trolling a bit. If serious than he should prob get back on his meds.

Throughout the thread he says it. Maybe he's just bitter that his whole tribe got btfo Small Pox.

Prob. Blanket-banning a whole race is cold.

dire times

I swear to God the invention of the computer was the most destructive thing in all of human history.

Tbh knowledge was a mistake

Ironically, a famous anarchist would agree

Based uncle ted, too bad he got MKULTRA’D ):

Without CIA intervention, Teddy would have become some boring mathematician. It was for the better.

Hate to break it to you but anarchism is a political philosophy about ending unjust hierarchies, a hierarchy where individuals (non human animals) are sent to fucking houses of slaughter to satiate nothing more than a temporary taste pleasure is not a just hierarchy

Anarchism is a meme ideology

If you're not a veganarchist, you're not a real anarchist.

More like the person doesn't understand that anarchism is about ending ALL hierarchies. It would literally just reset us back to the stone age.

I think you need to read more theory comrade

I think you need to look in the dictionary comrade.

Dictionaries are bourgeoisie propaganda

He stuffed so much vegan jargon in there its almost unreadable. This attempt to guilt me was poor, it produced little in the way of visual or visceral stimulation that works best in such instances. It's, again, just a bunch of jargon words. Like are your trying to nature be feel guilty for reading animals or for not reading the dictionary, I'm not sure.

I will never forget (as an anarcho-egoist) hearing someone on that joke of a sub say anarchy was a “safe space”

Are we just making up ideologies now?

Egoism is one of the oldest anarchist ideologies. Look up max stirner.

Is it just an anarchist that shits on everything to stroke their ego?

If the ego desires

Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. Anarchists admit they need to brain... -,,

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Anarkiddies are getting out of schools around the country for summer break so I expect more laughably naive posts in the coming months.

Just as any ideology

Yeah because rightism is non ideology

It also never makes any attempts to propagate ideas or material designed to encourage people to be more sympathetic to rightist ideals and beliefs

Never. All rightwingers are just opressed people full of love. They never create hate against certain human groups ir manipulate the truth to make them looks as the goods, because they already are.

This is how the mob used to win contracts in the good old days.

the numbers in the bank's computers are nothing but spooks

Imagine being a poorfag and spending your time on Reddit instead of doing meth with your neighbor's wife