Budding sovereign citizens of r/subredditdrama epically own me by citing the dictionary in a legal argument.

27  2019-05-31 by nyoronon


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  1. Budding sovereign citizens of r/sub... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Tough one. On one hand, they are people who post in subredditdrama, so it's tempting to side against them as the default position. But then on the other hand, you also posted in subredditdrama, and then, even worse, have followed up by coming here and posting about your equally dull and smug post.

Dicktionary says

against the wall, either way

Reminder: Being a SRDine is a choice, you can be better.

It’s not a choice. They’re genetically inferior like that.

Their choice is not taking the open door and sticking around and bothering people with their existence

If your child comes out as a SRDine it's not too late. Send them to the r/drama shitposting camp to get then clean in as little as seven days. But don't just take my word for it, listen to our many satisfied customers.

"When we sent him he was insufferably smug, he came back completely autistic."

"Dude bussy lmao"

"When he got back he only ever called me jannie because I raised him for free"


But youre wrong, you fucking mongoloid. Some states make speeding over a certain limit a crime. Which would make speeding A CRIME.

Yeah usually 20mph over is "criminal speeding" which is a misdemeanor.

Yeah, and? His position is that anything the government can punish you for is a crime.

The original person is kind of wrong as well, but the other side is worse.

youre still on retarded grounding arguing the opposite of this.

Do you think the law is the same in every state?

The federal ones are, for sure.

Federal moving violations are crimes. And what makes you think that all moving violations are regulated by the federal government?

And no, not even federal laws are the same in every state, thanks to the Assimilative Crimes Act and the circuit courts.

And what makes you think that all moving violations are regulated by the federal government?

🆒 What makes you think I believe this? Please feel free to quote me.

I noticed you ignored my point about sin taxes.

Oh, you're schizophrenic. Nvm.

Sin taxes and consumption taxes are punishments and not crimes.

Do you disagree?

imagine losing a debate to srdines and then thinking you can win one against r/drama

I win all debates.

Oh, you're schizophrenic. Nvm.

oh look, its retarded

Alright. I'll bite. Why, exactly, are violations of the law which the government can punish you for not crimes?

Why are pistols with stocks short-barelled rifles that need to be registered under the NFA and require a $200 tax stamp, but pistols with a functionally identical 'hand brace' regular firearms?

Because some pinhead pencil pushing bureaucrat said so, and because our fool Congress has slowly given more and more powers to the executive branch over the years because they can't be damned to do it themselves. The question remains, though: Why is breaking the law not a crime?

You can admit that petty crime doesn't bother you and that you'd rather live in a society where all rules are based upon voluntary contracts and such. We won't judge you for being a crackpot.

Real answer: because the law works that way.

Do you think not paying your credit card bills is a crime because the government can 'punish' you by enforcing a writ of execution on your property?

Yes. It's theft. If you can't afford your bills, there are plenty of options such as settlement and bankruptcy. If you feel a charge is in error, there are plenty of channels to dispute it. If you can afford to pay your bills but just don't because you don't feel like it, then, simply put, you're a crook.

I don't know if you are crook speaking from experience, but it doesn't matter because you are, by god, not only an agendaposter but also a SRDine, which is far far worse.

Yes. It's theft.


What that SRDine did is essentially what ‘fact’ checking sites like snopes do.

Well yeah.

Words have meanings.

🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

What does he mean by this?




Can OP now

Hi OP, youre retarded. Thank you for letting the world know. Have a nice day!

you fucking idiot.

the legal definition of what is a crime or a civil infraction is only worth pointing out in a court of law

reddit is not a court of law. you absolute dumbfuck.

Brainlet detected.

He's got a point though.

wow i've never seen someone so smug as to entirely dismiss the way language works just to feel better about themselves.

Lol at the literal srdine cucks answering for the downvoted like maybe their logic should be explained. It's like drama, but only for handicapped people. They're overly explanatory and inclusive like it's retard day at the mall or theme park and they just dropped off 10 bus loads.