Some guy writes a small essay on why the word 'degenerate' is bigoted or something

20  2019-05-31 by BriefSquirt


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Lmao the one Chapo in the thread asked for hog. I thought they were done with that meme?

Post hog chud.

This, but unironically.


  1. Some guy writes a small essay on wh... -,,

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He's not wrong tho; the word is historically closely linked with eugenics, which is why /pol/lutants are primarily the ones who use it today

Says the loveliest degenerate.

Ugliness and weakness are correlated with leftists. Physiognomy is real.

This is an 18+ subreddit

Eugenics is unironically good though. Just imagine it, a world with no MDEfugees, no Chapocels, no Dramanauts, no Gamergaters, no anti-Gamergaters. All aborted away.

In practice that doesn't happen; the genetics of intelligence, epigenetics, genexenvironment interaction etc. are extremely complex and eugenicists were going after shit like poor eyesight as well

Also, you can't say kids born to intelligent parents will be intelligent or the other way round.. My parents were both intelligent but I'm a retard, eugenics is a pseudoscience.

The history of eugenics is actually pretty interesting; it's a classic case of having enough knowledge to observe something and draw conclusions but too little to understand what's actually going on (which we're still trying to do). Shortly after Darwin developed his theories, academics in America and some western Euro countries started doing research into human heritability and discovered that, unsurprisingly, unintelligent people, the poor, the mentally ill, criminals, etc. tended to produce more 'undesirables'. They concluded that these things were completely innate and immutable traits and tried (and in many cases succeeded) to implement policies to wipe these people out.

During this period of time, thousands of people, especially children, were sterilized and even more were being institutionalized and deemed 'feebleminded' for things as mild as depression. The ultimate goal of the American eugenicists was to sterilize everybody who wasn't up to their standard of fitness, which was: pure anglo, nordic, or germanic descent, no physical malformations or disabilities, no mental health or substance abuse issues, no criminal or deviant behavior, and absolutely no family history of any of the aforementioned issues or descent from anything but the three ethnicities above.

Basically, if you're American and one of your family members didn't conform to this then you wouldn't exist if the eugenicists got to implement all of their policy ideas. The eventual goal was to literally decimate the population until only the very fittest survived. The Nazis were heavily influenced by the American school of eugenics, and even though the movement was still picking up steam when the war started, it was more or less snuffed out when the US got involved.

There are some cases where eugenics is ethically sound, e.g. genetic counseling to prevent diseases like tay-sachs, but the American eugenics movement was batshit fucking insane. They took the idea of heritability and ran with it without even trying to gather any information on how heritability works or how something like living in poverty with alcoholic parents influences how somebody develops.

Can't we now detect most of the genetic disorders before birth now?

As far as the more simple ones go yeah.

Tay-Sechs disease

Poor DistortedLines. If only his mom had got herself tested.

it's over for tay-sachs

As in, drinking doesn't just hurt you, it makes your entire bloodline stupid from birth permanently.

Someone's mom was drunk while carrying to term.

If I get rid of the word the people saying it will go away! Tee hee ! Tee Hee! Tee hee! Tee hee ! Tee hee!