Foid aborts her kid. Is upset no one is showering her with mother's day gifts.

64  2019-05-31 by DeathBahamutXXX


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. Foid aborts her kid. Is upset no on... -,,

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lmao, somebody clearly was fishing for replies to use as outrage porn and was denied them

Yeah, people keep pushing to find what's the most retarded thing people will side with, but this clearly went over the edge.

๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ‘ž

Tbf, just change aborted fetus to emotional support peacock and it would have a billion takers. Make it a pitbull and it'd be incredibly dramatic assuming it didn't get removed immediately for being an obvious troll

You have to admit, snally, this thread is a gem for AITA. How often do they not take the side of a nasty foid?

Should've posted it from the foid's perspective and thrown in a few paragraphs about muh trauma.

Pretty much. There are/were a couple of good replies stating she was a mother earlier.

Err. If you get an abortion and then claim you're a mother due to your terminated pregnancy, you're saying that it was, in fact, a child. You don't get to have it both ways. I'm 100% in favor of abortions up to the 18th trimester, but even I would call what she's doing confessing to a murder.

This is just the next evolution of the grift. โ€œI have the hardest job in the world. Iโ€™m a SAHM who works very hard taking care of the child I aborted.โ€

That's beyond stupid but I can't argue with that logic

The bait actually failed this time. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

At least we know there's a floor

You mean a ceiling. A glass ceiling specially.



A long time ago Something Awful did a posting about women who made websites and made little lives about their miscarried 'angel babies'. Some or most of them had pictures with their still borns and those were the ones who hadn't completely gone off the deep end. It was really funny in a sad kind of way. The best part was the main page found out about the SA article and started responding and causing all sorts of insane foid drama.

Anyways, if this was real and she was clearly insane over it, then let her have a damn gift. If OP wanted to milk this out they would have added that fact in later on.

I remember that crap. It got semi popular for a while and there was a story of some foid who abused her kid because he could never live up to the standard set by her "Angel baby"

The one I remember most vividly was a blog that ran for several months by the mother of a baby with anencephaly, where the baby is born with almost no brain. She even had a little bean stuffed with paper or something to hide the appearance of its sunken, unformed skull lol

That's awesome. I mean, not for the abused kid but for dramacoin.

isnโ€™t she admitting to thinking it was a kid, by wanting to be recognized as a mother?

Yawn. There's no-one trying to defend this mad-lass so where's the drama?

^ seething baby killer

What the fuck is a SIL? Why do Redditors persistently feel the need to make up acronyms for loved ones?

Sister in law