It's over for Burgercels. AZNIdentity user names the burger and points out China is 50-100 years ahead of the United States in most areas.

61  2019-05-31 by BlasterBallz


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No thanks to the concentration camps chingcels

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. It's over for Burgercels. AZNIdenti... -,,

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Oh boy. China is certainly in a direction, I don’t think ahead is appropriate though. Burgerstan is definitely becoming a “second world” country but to look up to China is hilarious.

You hit the nail on the head, I was gonna respond to him but saw he used /r/AZNIdentity. He would just bitched about Mayos and Asian woman.

On that thought do Asian men seeing AMWF relationships see it the same way some Mayo men see black dudes dating mayo women?

Is the white man to Asians like the black man is to Mayos? It all lines up, the penis size envy, Asians usually more successful than Mayos and commit less crime etc.

Whoa. Might be on to something. Question is where do Jews fit on that spectrum?

That is a question I am not prepared to answer lol.

Master of puppets?

Right? Fucks up the paradigm.

On that thought do Asian men seeing AMWF relationships see it the same way some Mayo men see black dudes dating mayo women?

I was getting drunk at some bar in NYC a couple weeks ago, and my buddy and I were talking to some Chinese finance bro who couldn't stop going on and on about how much white pussy he gets. I don't know if that answers your question at all, but I found it funny how he and my black friend just could not stop talking about how great white pussy is.

Was he bullshitting or just bragging about things that happened?

Probably both. I don't doubt that some rich chinaman is managing to get white foid gussy, but I almost had to wonder if he was trying to say it like it would upset me, or if it was the biggest achievement of his life.

Sounds like u got cucked, typical mayo 🤭🤭🤭

And yet, by being white, I still win in the end.

In a "least sexually competent" competition, maybe. Orgasm golf.

Yes, just look at /r/hapas. But they do have legit grievances like that post of a white dude comparing his penis to the size of his asian child and making a joke about it (literally emasculating his asian kid).

IDK man china's really good at getting rid of brown people, US can only dream about that efficiency.

so good that they can detect the muzzie brownness in people that look mostly chinese. Incredible tech

Absolutely true.

Nah you guys are still being brainwashed. If you’re poor in Asia, you’re subhuman but if you’re rich...boy is life good

Yeah. Unless you are rich at the wrong moment and get executed for shit that every other rich person is doing.

As opposed to getting by some nig in the street?

In theory. Everyone assumes they would be rich. Gotta be in the Communist Party from birth basically, all generational.

Jack Ma doesn’t exist

The Chinese government doesn’t kill people for being rich or for being corrupt.


Yes I trust a dramatards view of asian geopolitics rofl

t. dramatard who thinks CCP officials haven't used the anti-corruption to purge competitors and rivals

t. being dumb enough to challenge Daddy Xi. Just off yourself and save the Ccp the trouble

I will say it's strange to encounter someone who trolls with the political control aspect of the anti-corruption campaign, instead of downplaying it.

I had to have some kind of distinction to avoid the ban hammer from our tranny jannies

They don't give a shit about political trolling.

Do you literally never leave your house? This comment completely misunderstands pretty much everything about life

Not an argument

So the same as every country in every country in most periods of history ever?

Yes, but it’s better to be rich in Asia because we don’t have human rights. Your poors in the US bitch and whine all the fucking time

Can't argue with that.

they might, like, on reddit. Just live places the poors aren't and they won't affect your day to day, it really is that easy.

If reddit annoys you fucking turn off your monitor.

True but then what would I do with my life

Anyone in China who's both rich and not retarded has been moving funds to North America and buying USD. At some point the CCP will come knocking, and if you aren't prepared to suck dick then you better run.

This insanity though. As a Central American, big US cities like NYC are literally top tier. And anywhere else in America, your middle class lives way better than the middle class of a “second world country”, and magnitudes better than the third world middle class. Your corruption doesn’t affect the middle and lower classes as much as it does in Latin America. You have serious issues, but you are still a first world country by many metrics.

I'm considered impovrished in the USA, not poor enough for welfare but just barely. I have my own apartment, nice furniutre, professional music production and DJing equipment, a fully-functioning car, and a few hundred dollars spending/saving money every month. USA is the best.

Downvoted you for being poor.

Also stuff like you don't have to pay a random cop at a checkpoint on your daily drive to work.

Just wait until we get those mayo stops going

Every country looks beautiful from the Ritz Carlton

If you unironically think America is becoming a second world country you need to reconsider the choices which brought you to this opinion. You don't even have to be a DDF'er to realize that they're in an economic boom right now. As hilarious as it sounds considering the political situation, America is living in the good times right now (economically speaking).

Why are people down voting you.

imagine down voting in /r/drama lol

based flair

No, you are right. The infrastructure situation is just embarrassing.

lmao americas infrasctructure is old and crumbling but its still better than going to india or china, having that shit collapse after a week and making a big cloud of poisonous dust that gives everyone cancer

Not to mention the street shitting problem that seems to be endemic to both countries (India and China).

Retards that talk love to shit on America are the same idiots that would give their left nut to live a lower middle class suburb in flyover country

Self hating burgers are the worst.

I kinda agree tho,try having a billion people,its a miracle they've not split into 2 countries or something. In less than 100 years or so,i think China and India will overtake yankeeland,it'd be interesting to watch.

They've got to stop the brain drain problem first.

They don’t actually. In a couple of decades there will barely by any whites. The future is a gross diseased yellow-brown turd

Looking forward to it cumskin 😎😎😎

thinking I’m white

You seem new around here so I’ll let that slide

CCP meddling will keep China as a middling power (relative to their potential) while bureaucracy and regional infighting will do the same in India.

AZNIdentity makes me think the WWII interment camps were probably a good Idea.

This is why immigration is good. Let latinos appreciate and love America while art history left wing mayos complain in coffe shops and reddit.

Taiwan is ahead of the US in basically everything service and infrastructure. China has like 30 years before they are ahead.

I keep hearing that and it is always 30 years out, I highly doubt China will ever significantly overtake the USA. It will probably end up like cold war 2.0.

Switzerland, Scandinavia, Canada, Germany, Singapore etc are all ahead of the United States per capita, it had been like that for decades.

Sure but i personally dont care and have been to china where as youre probably burgerstani and you have skin in the game.

Burgerland is spiraling, its getting more miserable, and no one fixes anything.

Chinks have their problems but lmao who cares

Burgerland is undergoing the strongest economic growth in decades (in spite of our retarded president). I would hardly call it spiraling.

I hear you about West Virginia tho, compete shit show.

Florida is really a mixed bag, the further south you go the nicer it gets.

Detroit is pretty much a third world country at this point and should be ejected from the union. If you want to see some really shitty places, Google east St.Louis or Cairo Illinois arguably worse than Detroit.

I'd stay away from Alabama too, I drove through Montgomery one morning during a road trip and the entire city reeked of literal shit.

and have been to china

I.e. visited some tourist traps.

No stayed with xpats

(Nyc seems nicer tho lol)

It is aboveground. The subway is fucked though.

Hey, at least you have a subway

Reddit is seriously fucking delusional. This site sucks donkey dong. Buncha corporate bots and shills. And plenty of foids, millenial manbabys, leftoids, rightards... can we have another world war already?

Yeah China's insane social points system is something to look up to. Same thing with being stuffed in a closet sized apartment in Tokyo with 60,000,000 other people where the job market is so insanely competitive that if you ever got under an A in school, don't have 3 Harvard degrees and didn't slide out your mom's chute in record time then you will never get that job flipping rice cakes at 7/11.

Not to mention the whole mess the 1 child policy created, there gonna have a pretty interesting time in twenty years when there are more old people than those that are working age.

Chinks really fucked themselves over with that one. If i recall the law exlclused ethnic minorities. So the Tibetans and Uighurs galore.

It will be interesting, chinkcels SEETHE if you bring up the inverted population pyramid problem or how 1/3 of their average workforce is going to be over 55 in ten years, while the US average workforce age is actually gonna start falling around the same time.