Fuck this place. Fuck everything.

250  2019-05-31 by trappysaruh

Hey everyone. I'm unsubscribing.

I've been knocked out of this cult of a group and have begun to realize that I was duped by this sick twisted ideology for all of the good that it will give that will never happen.

I chose to ignore the comments about mayocide and ending the white race, all the red flags, ignoring the images of /r/drama members beating spamming 40% and faggot at vulnerable beautiful LGBT people, real people.

I am more disgusted with myself then I have ever been to even think that any of that shit was okay.

You all disgust me and I hope, boy, I hope that if/when the LGBT revolution shows up, that you all get the short end of the stick, and realize what mistake of an idea this was.

Oh, I know I can't trust the government, can't trust the mayo bullshit, etc. etc.

But fucking beating commies up in the street, shouting conservaretards down in public, fucking establishing an centrist government is not it.

What the fuck.

I truly hope each and every one of you is dropped off at a CIA blacksite and brutally tortured to experience even an iota of what those under /r/drama regimes have gone through. Waterboarding, electrocution, pitbull kisses, you name it.

That's it, that's all I have to say. For those who are still on the fence, get out while you still can.


we'll see you when you sober up.


I sobered up twice last year.


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. Fuck this place. Fuck everything. - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. /r/drama - archive.org, archive.today*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers



It probably just posts this automatically under any trappysaruh textposts

Sick of all the shit

dont contact me or my son again

My best friend Andrew Stranberg died in a skatepark four years ago. He got set up. He got jumped. The bar's his favorite place. I'm gonna build him a jail.

You don't have to go out anymore to be an Earth Rocker. Ryan Dunn is an Earth Rocker.

My other best friend Brandon Novak chit-chatting with fucking nobodies. He's back in Iceland for the sixteenth time. Good luck with that one. Sick of Nikki. Sick of all this shit. I don't go out anymore, cause I’m on heroin again. I don't have to be a musician. Four years I wasted, sippin on drinks at the car accident, watching me get my fucking ass kicked. Now I stay at home, like a fucking bigmouth. I'm not gonna take any rehab from anyone.

I know what's going on. I got dead. I got gone. Thank every motherfucker eye wasn't there to watch me get my fucking hermit kicked. I don't care what they're up to. The bullshit would have wound up with a black god. Payback has a bitch shit.

I fuck for this shit. I live it. love it the fuck on.

Mother Fuckbringer.

I must commend you on your choice of profile pics; they really advertise your biological prowess. Your voluptuous figure, along with your fair complexion, tells me that you are healthy, and therefore would make a great choice for a breeding partner. I must ask though, How would you rate your ability to climb trees? I ask because, in the off chance a ground predator were to loom the horizon we could both escape via the trees without me having to risk my life in an attempt to defend you from said predator. If my instincts are correct, then I believe a biological pairing between us may be a practical and mutually benefitting affair. Would you be available for some light discourse? That is very good to know, since I could not possibly fathom being with a girl who cannot climb trees. This is going splendid so far. How would you rate your abilities is combat?

Pft, who fucking drops delicious pasta without sourcing?

Damnit, and then I scroll down.

40% of dramanaughts cant scroll down lmao owned

I'm a busy bee, ok???

How did you miss this? Across like 3 subs. Having a life, what a chump.

*bussy bee, coming to suck that sweet nectar

Ok, that part is true


Plz no go

Did you think this would be funny



based and centerpilled.




can you repeat the question?

You’re not the mod of me now.

And you're not so big

For You


Yer just mad because we can't ping....

like the rest of us



[assuming my gender]

post gussy

assumes my penis is not feminine

wow that's v v transphobic of you, I'm disgusted and ashamed by your behaviour 😑😑😑

cope 😎

be my gf pls? i feel like a sinner knowing I didn't fulfil Allah's wishes by marrying 4 foids (currently at 2). You're a mixture of foid and moid so you count as 2

things I bring to the table: 1. I'm 6ft 2. 6.2 inch dick 3. I can be the token African husband you use to shutdown accusations of racism 4. 4 wives (if you accept) and daily orgies inshallah 5. Still thinking about it 6. Not masterlawlz

i feel like a sinner knowing I didn't fulfil Allah's wishes by marrying 4 foids (currently at 2).

Is it properly done concurrently or sequentially?

Astaghfarullah akhi, how will you find 4 women at once? It takes time for your mother to go to the mosque to find you a beautiful wife. You think these things happen instantly?

You had me at β€œNot masterlawlz”!

I want the long end of the stick.

are you going to stop appropriating being a woman now?

i looked at ur facebook and saw that ur only friend is ur mom πŸ˜”

i looked up your Facebook and found the opposite

dont dox me

I tried but it turns iut nobody, not a single soul, was interested. You don't seem to carry as much weight outside of your fanclub that paints your nudes

im rubber but ur glue what u say rubs off me and sticks to u lmao 🀭

you're the only one rubbing off right now

please keep ur fanfiction in ur panties and out of my christian thread πŸ˜³πŸ˜’

are you trying to turn this into some porny writing

lady take the hint πŸ˜’ NOT interested

that explains the replys and emotes. or maybe to you're desperately clinging to relevance now tuat you no longer are the Tranitor

Omg when did she get cucked?

You leave our trappy alone!

internet points should work exponentially i want 100k by the end of the year

*hovers over upvote

This, but unironically.

Post bussy.

u first fa**ot!!!

Days without tranny spergout: 8 0

gonna need to see ur t-pass

one second officer, it's in the glove compartment with my insurance card

Can I get a t-word pass. I promise I'll only use it on chapos, probably.

Probably the only time that the words tranny and pass make sense together.

You got a loicense for that T slur

I think I lost it

fuck u trappy I want the mayocide and I want it now!

have u tried vigorous praying

5 times a day, always facing Mecca. Mayocide soon, inshallah!

what a beautiful sight

call j g wentworth

Miss u

will u keep posting 😒

<-- after this comment i will never post or comment in rdrama again


She’s also gonna take your flair.

Wtf that's all we have left.

i will never delete the beautiful flair

Based and wholesome πŸ€—

Thank you I’d actually be pretty bummed irl. πŸ™πŸ»


If I'm dropped off at a CIA blacksite I hope the black dudes be ready to take this bussy 😲


Better sticky than what Lawlz rolls out on the regular.

t r y

Everyone's always like WAAAH commies r so dumb they're gonna be cleaning toilets after revolution but I see it differently. I look at CTH and I see hundreds of potential cooks, because the pasta they frequently make is delicious.

Shame on you, dramanauts, for not recognizing a talent when you see it 😞


Chapos can't cook. Mom does all that since they all live at home with their parents.



This salami-American erasure must end!

Oh shit, was this a chapo pasta?

Id rather be a janitor(real) than a cook

Ru ok trappy? Will u ever come back?

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

home is where the heart is πŸ€—


25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Prove to me this isn't your fault to begin with



If you're under six foot you're basically a foid.

pit bull kisses


eating pasta

40% yourself freak


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


For those who have active social calendars, this is what is being parodied.

He's almost as pathetic as actual chapos.

got an archive there buddy?

it's been edited, is there an archive?

Find the thread here about it, snappy should have it archived

fucking hell, the dude deleted his account! good for him.


sorry about the flair

I don't care about that, you leaving is the problem. Funny pasta to go out on at least 😐

There is a weird syncing between drama and stupidpol

wtf is stupidpol

Fine. Is Cyber hot? 🧐😎

shes xmoken. i wish she'd be my big titty cybergoth gf

Chaser Mode: Engaged

Mircy is p hot tbqh

I haven’t seen pic, but she sounds pretty hot. I think I know her current name but I won’t narc.

Commence chaser mode

enormous loss for the tranny cab

it just becomes shadowy-er

[Ironic comment]

I thought this was notifications to be taken seriously and shit

How did that copypasta go about the chapo wanting to commit suicide because the sub closed for a prank?

"Closing the sub for a prank wasn't funny" or something along those lines.

this pasta is unironically the best thing to come out of chapo


Blink your asshole if you're being forced to leave

penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis

my favorite word!

Wait has this is a serious/unironic sub?? I thought it was satire. Jeez, this r/drama is messed up

Oh no you actually demodded yourself. :/

very dramatic!

That kinda is actually. More booze will make it less hurtful.


That’s what they all say, no one ever gets away.

The best and freshest pasta served up with source.



N word

Bottom Text

trappy, even your pasta screams "cute tranny."

aw πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‹

Saruh don't go 😭😭

Suck my 3 inch dick you fucking bitch. You a yungblood ya havent achieved shit so shut yo trao and suck ur bitch ass up boiiiii

ive been on this sub only twice in my life, and everytime i login here i see someone cursing every1 like this and the other are mods bannig all their members what the fuck is wrong here

The birth of another chapo tranny

It's 42% not 40%

Want me to mail you some L?

whats L

SD. I also have some grampa's breath but its just been sitting for a couple years and I dont know if time impacts it chemically

lsd is cool but im over it. rather do some mdma or something. also no girl to do lsd with, why live???

That too but I'd be afraid to mail it over the border

ive never done it tbh but it seems pretty fun.

LGBT Revolution

I thought right wing death squads were keeping that in check?

Trappy with her first lawlz post