It’s over for the metoo STEMcels

46  2019-06-01 by HardIsLife


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. It’s over for the metoo STEMcels -,

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That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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Women’s STEM:

Selfies Tweeting Eating Man-Hating


Scrolled this McGlaughlin bitch's twitter:

1) Why it is always the super fugly women who get super into classifying literally everything as sexual harassment? Are they just ugly enough that they never learned how to respond to flirting, so their brains just go "file not found ... MUST BE HARASSMENT"?

2) There was another bitch she retweeted that said "I was sexually harassed at Emory and my Chair, Dr. Ted Johnson did not help me but make fun of my hair. Dr. Johnson is also OK with Coca-Cola, the tobacco companies and NRA working with Emory. He is the eptiome of not public health." Bitch if you devote one phrase to your 'sexual harassment' and the rest of the tweet to this dude who apparently is in bed with the monsters of ... Coca Cola ... maybe the more important thing in your mind isn't the 'harassment' but your axe to grind against this dude?

Ahh, some more digging. We have a winner via point 2) !

"My harasshole wants me to work under someone who made a deadly product with the tobacco companies. I outed this lady, but my chair, @baldheadted does not care.@Surgeon_General @ScottGottliebMD @NIHDirector @choo_ek @CWolinetzNIH @ana_safavi @McLNeuro @carriejm007"

1) This chick is named Eunice


3) *Except when I say sexually harassed I actually mean that person asked me to do something I don't like

My grandma's name is Eunice. Is that a problem?

It’s okay for an old lady to have an old lady name

Good. I was about to have to cry if you were going to make fun of my grandma.

"Not only did he hand me a coke instead of a Pepsi but it had ice, I had specifically asked for no ice. Ice machines are destroying the planet wasting energy and he doesn't even care. When I told him to take it back and get me a caffeine free Pepsi with no ice he just shrugged! By the way, he also raped me like three times."

this is the single most boomer thing i have ever seen on drama 😪

TERFs and misogynists just need to fuck tbh

Why are you posting articles about yourself?

Remember: Truth to Power = screeching harpy with an axe to grind.

There's only like 14 women in stem anyways

After Waymack argued that survivors should make their own choices, and pointed out that some have been further traumatized by the criminal justice system, McLaughlin cut her short with a one-word tweet: “Bye.”

“Being blown off like that was personally upsetting but also concerning because it replicates what the academy already does with that sort of dismissiveness,” Waymack told BuzzFeed News.

Poor roastie can't get a reasoned and nuanced conversation in a medium famous for limiting replies to 140 characters.

"If women ruled the world there would be no war"

Didn't this woman try and defend herself here with an alt in the past?

The most recent three departures, on April 24, included the only two women of color on the MeTooSTEM leadership team. “We … felt that white leadership input was prioritized over our own,” wrote Deanna Arsala

And they wonder why no one wants their input