Russian foids are incentivised to wear short skirts, major cope from Twitter is inbound.

41  2019-06-01 by 2Manadeal2btw


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Russian foids are incentivised to w... -,

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Sure it's fucking weird, but not sure why you would get upset at this. It's not mandatory and it incentives the foid's need for attention. Is it bad because the company is from a country run by the Blue Checkmark boogeyman?

Twittercels will get angry because it objectifies women and is basically prostitution in their eyes. Even if its the womans choice.

"My body my choice" doesn't extend beyond killing one's offspring I guess

Every womens movement, though designed to grant women more rights, simultaneously deflects all agency away from women. TwoXchromosomes is a perfect example of this.

because it objectifies women

Are you arguing it doesn't?

Women who voluntarily want to objectify themselves and being incentived to do so is okay, you prude. smh my h ead

Why are they being incentivised to do that

I'm arguing that it doesn't matter because f*males are fucking vile.

Oh you're just an uncle then

I have a black wife.

yup. You can't objectify an object.

Oh you're an incel

It give them a choice, which is the opposite of objectification; subjectification. The moids get objectified by comparison.

It give them a choice to please their bosses by being sexual objects.

Sex work is real work wait no not like that...

sex work is work

but not sure why you would get upset at this

in a bid to keep the male employees of the company happy

so that young women do not have male haircuts, do not change into trousers

Wow I wonder why feminists get angry at this. I wonder why black activists would get angry at black employees being offered a few dollars extra to dress as slaves at work to keep their white Coworkers happy

Well black men are people so of course that would be morally wrong. Also I didn't realize the same women were forced to work at that company. It's not mandatory and it's a private company.

Listen, I'll give you an extra 5 bucks an hour next week if you come to work dressed as my own little nigger minstrel show.

Not mandatory, just something to think about.

  • Ted

Try to look pretty, presentable and not like a butch bulldyke legbeard, please.

"omg this is like slavery all over again"

Why should your boss care how pretty u look

no makeup and their hair tied u

What? That contradicts the short skirt.

Can't speak for the hair tied up part, but they did say they want women to look feminine. Perhaps they're going for the Au Naturale look?

Forgive the foid talking point but the no make up, natural look is achieved by skillful, understated makeup that’s nigh unnoticeable.

Its a sad truth. And moids like me just can't tell the difference.

tfw no cutie gf who is actually attractive

We need to move to Russia and work for a progressive company where the women have makeup on and long, luxurious hair.

We need to move to Russia

You don't.

and remember you only know that because of the weird western validation via oppression brand of feminism that made tumblr and facebook such shitshows of self-absorbed egotism - the sleazy Russian businessmen that came up with this have no idea of anything like that, as far as they're concerned western society was ruined by the homosexual conspiracies of L'Oréal and Tresemme, in the big-money criminal cartels they're used to women are picked off the shelf to be used as sex objects and discarded when either the beatings or age disfigures them enough to render them even slightly less than perfect.

Dude and remember you only know that because of the weird western validation via oppression brand of feminism that made tumblr and facebook such shitshows of self-absorbed egotism - the sleazy Russian businessmen that came up with this have no idea of anything like that, as far as they're concerned western society was ruined by the homosexual conspiracies of L'Oréal and Tresemme, in the big-money criminal cartels they're used to women are picked off the shelf to be used as sex objects and discarded when either the beatings or age disfigures them enough to render them even slightly less than perfect. lmao


some women can manage it by just having a pretty face, but that's largely genetics.

for example, i am 100% positive my wife isn't secretly applying makeup right before bed, after her shower, 10 hours before she visibly starts putting on makeup

sorry about how things turned out for your face btw

makeup is homosexual cmv

Hair tied up to see and lick the neck

No makeup to lick the face without getting chemicals in the mouth

It all makes sense now.

If Feminism was about really equality they'd protest the fact men aren't offered the same incentive.

Feminism isnt about equality to have a shit life. It's about female liberation. Why would feminists get angry at that instead of arguing it shouldn't exist

I'm gonna liberate a massive fart into your butt, nerd.


smdh at your necromatriarchal thinking.


If you have the choice to do something for extra pay, then you have objectively more freedom than someone who does not have that choice. Feminists should be praising this company for increasing women's freedoms.

I wonder why they offered it to the women? Because the boss is a feminist or because he likes to see tits at work?

seems like you don’t study the dictionary kid. google equality then tell me that men cat wear skirts too.

People getting angry at blatant sexism is coping?


Doesn't exist.

Calling it Sexisim implies that foids are equal moids. 😂😂😂😂

...first time seeing the word COPE or something?


One Twitter user wrote, "Why do we need feminism when one can just please men for money?"

Why indeed

An extra two bucks a day does not seem like that much.

It's not too much but average pay in Russia is low, around 700$/month, so that'd be at least 44$/month extra which isn't too bad.

using msn in current year

To qualify for the bonus, women have to send a selfie to their boss


Russian foids

They are scary AF tbh.

One Twitter user wrote, “Why do we need feminism when one can just please men for money?”

Woah, talk about not being sex-worker positive there.