Prince gets the commie rinse! Sub turns on it’s founder like every far left movement

84  2019-06-01 by collectijism


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Prince gets the commie rinse! Sub t... -,,

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PK might be retarded, but he sticks to his guns. And I’d rather live in his ideal society than the average chapo’s.

Is he an annarcho communist?

Idk he used to be anarchist but of late hes been on the tankie train pretty hard.


He’ll delete his account and become a libertarian leaning conservative in 2 more years. Once you get a paycheck you don’t come back

Freak = NEET tranny?


They took them off the list of mental illness just to activate them as cia operatives to destroy far left movements. Think about it

So, after the ban threat chapo just went full tankie after they added cth2 mods?

Well then it would be such a shame of the linked post would get sent to a group of insiders who informed admins of chapo bullshit first time around.

Too commie for cth? try cth2

Cth2 was made for tankies before the maybe ban incident tho?

What I meant is that after the deal with the admins chapo added few cth2 mods to their team and tankie posts like these grew in numbers even more.

They are creating information ghettos and the walls are closing in

Chapo was always Tankieville, USA. cth2 was only there so they could try and hide it easier

Left Unite! 💪🏽💪💪🏿💪🏾


LOL I love how jealous the left is of the unite the right rally. Nullified 60 years of propaganda attempts by the left. The power the unity displayed on that one night set the idea in motion that uniting the left is just a bunch of date rapists and 4 out of 10 women in pussy hats was the peak of their power.

Unite the right rally was a bunch of retarded overweight trumptards screaming their lungs out "armed" with tiki torches and neckbeards.

I'd actually pay good money to see a Running Man based tv show in which fat trumptards and skinny fat chapotards would face each other in a battle royale type of competition.

Chapos don’t like to compete that’s why they’re communists

Have you seen chapos?

A toddler has more muscle.

Why would anyone be jealous of unite the right? Lmao it was an orgy of like 200 aut-right inbreds who had to fly people in from other parts of the country to get numbers up. The only thing they accomplished was one guy killing an obese counterprotestor who then got life in prison.

They make TD boomers look reasonable.

LOL the drone footage of the pussy hat March is not still being viewed worldwide

LOL I love how jealous the left is of the unite the right rally.

Imagine thinking anyone would be jealous of a bunch of daddycel mongoloids


Cope with not being jealous of unite the right? That's okay with me.

Yes you are

You're literally as retarded as Chapo if you think Unite the Right had anything to do with normal right wing politics

Muh optics

lol discounting every communist movement in places like India mostly made up of MLs and MLMs. The characterization of "tankies" as an obscure online group in the west is inherently xenophobic and america-centric 😎

Poor prince surrounded by cia operatives just throwing whataboutisms everywhere. I hope his PhD at least got him some pussy above a 4

God damn the discourse on that sub whenever identities are brought up is fucking poisonous

Look if your not ok with your 12 year old daughter being shown how to get ass stretched by some 45 year old man in a skirt then your probably a nazi. Just sayin

nothing you believe in has ever worked or will ever work and i'm sure deep down even you realize this. in a way that makes you the perfect Poster, completely detached from reality

Haven’t seen prince sperg this hard since they took him off the mod list of r/libertarian after the great coup de ta of 2018

you're deeply stupid and everyone knows it. the only evidence that i'm not smart is that I just spent an hour or two talking to a dozen people that are 100% immune to reasoning and might as well be chuds who dig the color red

marxism will continue to be dead wrong about many things no matter how much religious faith you put in it, sorry

coup d'état you retard

Cup da tit you moid.

coo day todd

Kew de tard?

cool ta tas, for a foid.

The utter lack of self-awareness in that comment is staggering.

I don't use reddit on my phone and i've been putting in 10-12 hour days outside of my home recently so I don't see how that's possible. Turns out that not being a NEET means you have real responsibility

I love how they grow up hating mom and dad for not giving them everything only to turn out exactly like mom and dad. Poor prince is growing up before our eyes



Huh. Hi op

Let me in to that sarkaad sub you fucking leet lil bitch

It's quarantined not private, or what do you mean?

Anyone who defends Kulaks is a fucking liberal no questions asked the Kulaks deserved it.


Yeah enslaving rural people to feed city folk is what we call praxis

rurals deserved it

Day 97 of the Anarchist Revolution

It's getting cold here in the compound. Luckily it used to be an employee-owned bookstore so we can burn copies of Marx's works to keep warm. Hundreds have died due to the lack of vegan food options, and our appeal for mutual aid to the Urban Community Farm Insurrectionary Army keeps getting intercepted by the Proud Boys. Every day, dozens of us voluntarily show up at the front armed with bike locks and baseball bats only to get mowed down by the fascists. Some of us suggested we trade some of the copies of Manufacturing Consent from the bookstore for guns but the resolution lost by 43 votes due to the majority deeming guns problematic and patriarchal phallic symbols. The election for military commanders Temporary Co-Facilitators of the People's Revolution has been a divisive one. The nominees keep trying to one-up each other with promises of bigger reusable water bottles, longer iphone chargers, and more bicycle parking at the front. The Syndicated Bandana Weavers Union is on strike so we are forced to wear tattered masks stained with LaCroix and hummus.

But worst of all, we are being subverted as always by the tankie Big Dicked Liberation Army. Filthy fucking stalinists with their phallic guns, efficient military command structure, well-planned logistics and discipline on the battlefield. We will never be able to form our true non-state-capitalist utopia while the tankies are taking and holding territory, Holding territory is authoritarian and we refuse to acknowledge their rule. These ableists sent us a letter offering us bread in exchange for gasoline from the Molotov Cocktail Manufacturers Co-op but we voted to rip it up because we know its a statist plot to poison the 87% of us with celiacs disease.

Overall things look bleak, but we still have hope. Its only a matter of time before the masses look past our lack of direction, food, medical care, and overall stability to see our free society devoid of authoritarian hierarchical structures for what it truly is--a workers paradise.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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You can’t eat das kapital you only find that out after you implement the ideas in the book

Our beloved Prince finally outing himself as a lib:

You sound pretty mad, but it turns out that no socialist ideology has had real, world-changing success anywhere in the world for literally decades. Every sect that's subscribed to on this subreddit has been an epic, devastating failure for longer than pretty much everyone here has been alive.

That epic copy pasta from yesterday really hit him hard

Talk about "they hated him because he told them the truth" in action.

did your choice of ideology come to you as the culmination of many daydreamed revenge plots against all the people who ever laughed at you in your life, or was it the thing you thought would piss off your parents the most?

Prince just annihilated that kiddo. Snappy quote please.

P_K calls them freaks

they immediately assume that's a dogwhistle for gay autistic trans disabled PoC of color

I feel that that is actually more ableist than anything P_K said. I mean, if their default assumption about the word "freak", a pretty normal and non-loaded term... that honestly says more about their own biases than anyone else's.

The sub is full of unemployable mentally and emotionally unstable trinary hermaphrodites that have sex and do violence in children’s pajamas and costume onesies. You telling me freak doesn’t make them think of them their life and their body and face in the mirror? It’s a dog whistle for a genetic abomination that we used to have to pay at carnivals to laugh at collectively. But now they degrade themselves for free and call it progress. Giving us an ending stream of laughter and entertainment I present to you the Chapo or as prince calls them freaks.