Are we finally going to have a modern tankie school shooter? Comment 🐴 for yes and 👞 for no.

38  2019-06-01 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Are we finally going to have a mode... -,,

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This drama was submitted by u/ that'snotdemocratic!

what the actual fuck is with all of these young people becoming tankies? there's over 420 other flavors of leftism, so why choose the absolute worst one?

A lot of the transgressive appeal has bled out of milder leftisms, which are orthodoxy on a lot of campuses. It's an inverted version of the draw of the "punk rock" all right.

Same reason they become Nazis. Boredom plus Oversocialization plus lack of pussy.

extremism/radicalism is attractive, especially when it comes to branding your organization.

just ask magneto or overlord. "Brotherhood of Evil" and "Vicious Circle" got a ring to it too.

I think there's a lot of regular cult escapism dynamics playing off it too. If you look at the post histories of Reddit tankies, they're almost always mentally ill and failures by any metric (deeply in debt from a worthless degree, often in their late 20s and working shitty jobs, unable to form healthy relationships with the opposite sex, etc).

The internet communism provides a convenient explanation and escape from this, without requiring significant introspection and work from them. They're able to tell themselves that they're not depressed because they made poor choices and are too lazy and scared to change their lives, it's all the fault of this fucked up capitalist world. They're not stuck in their shitty job because they neglected to learn any valuable skills, it's because the system keeps the working man down, man. They're able to tell themselves that if The Revolution were to just happen already, suddenly all of their shortcomings would be wiped away and their life would be great again.

You can confirm this dynamic by probing at what they think their life would be like under communism. Invariably, they're sure that they'd be a powerful and important party member, as if their political beliefs are equivalent to holding a winning lottery ticket. If you point out that someone who is a failure under capitalism is likely to remain a failure under communism, you can really hit a deep emotional nerve and they're likely to respond with searing fury.

Of course, with all of this said, you're still not wrong in equating them to internet fascists. They often have a very similar complex going on, only with Jews/Muslims/Mexicans/Blacks instead of "capitalists". As with all things, radical centrism holds true here.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Two LongPostBot shoutouts in two days, I'm on fire 😍

It's the same whether it's political, religious, or smugposting escapism honestly. If you're an extremist, there's a very high chance your life sucks -- otherwise you wouldn't have formed such an extreme worldview in response.

The fuck you retard my position in life isn't even poor, anyone with half a brain can see that capitalism is fucked.

Are you unironically going through my history of half-assed shitposting? Got a crush or something? 😍

Ya but being a nazi will lead to absolute and complete social ostracism. If you’re a communist people may not like you or think you are some fucking weirdo but you don’t lose your job etc lol

Good Nazis are too conniving. They're literally the stereotype of Jews they've created. Commies are pussy faggots, I'm not afraid of them but a roided up neonazi could easily destroy me.

a roided up neonazi could easily destroy me

Please tell me more 😍😍😍

Dont worry, the vast majority of them turn into nazis, not tankies.

I dunno. I'm only a berniebro because of his ability to oppress women

I don't understand how even a tankie could argue that modern China is communist. There are Chinese billionaires.

The innate human desire for free shit is extremely powerful

The guy sums it up perfectly in the first comment “being a commie makes you ostracized” is the gist of it. Being a commie is the safe form of detachment from a society they hate. You can still go to your shitty part time job and tell people you are a communist and people will look at you like a retard but you can keep your job. It’s the perfect balance of “I’m a outsider but not so outside I get banished from society”

It's easy and edgy. It used to be kids that read the Communist Manifesto and then chilled out when they got into the real world. Now they have all sorts of places to LARP online and validate their stupid ideas.

Ever since I went full communist I suddenly started seeing propaganda everwhere, like even McDonalds adverts. There was this one saying something like "Wether you believe it or not: You can't better the world, but you can better yourself.", whatever that has to do with burgers - but it sure does with capitalism.

Schizos LMAO

Tankie r/conspiracy

whatever that has to do with burgers - but it sure does with capitalism.

That 12 year old insight and mind blown.

"Being a communist makes you isolated and frustrated since 70% of things are filled to the brim with what you now see as ideology/propaganda"

Imagine seeing this as anything but a massive self-own.

"Being a communist makes you isolated and frustrated since 70% of things are filled to the brim with what you now see as ideology/propaganda"

What the fuck do they think their commie shit is?

"If I everhad the opportunity I would love to push a Juche party line in my community. MLs that are self reliant and militant. This is how you use authority to protect your worker revolution.

I admire the DPRK people." - (c) u/ crimson blade 9/11

The jokes write themselves.

There is nothing more exhausting than telling someone they actually need proof of a “dystopian credit system” or “killed millions” or whatever the nonsense of the week is before they can just accept a claim as true

Imagine believing that communism hasn't killed millions and that China hasn't instituted a social credit system.

Imagine if you switched the commie words with Nazi words. It'd just be blatant Holocaust denial.

These people do not believe that Stalin was responsible for any deaths at all.