Daily Camus Quote

16  2019-06-02 by betazoom78

Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.


Prove it


“Yeah I shot that fuckin’ Arab and I’d do it again!” - The Stranger

Based and sunblinded-pilled

But it feels so good

daily michael richards quote when

❤️❤️❤️ luv u

Just picturing a tall handsome Camus arguing with 5 foot stroke victim looking Sartre about how maybe Ukrainians shouldn't get genocided makes me happy. I heard that guy got like a tonne high grade of pussy too, while Sartre had an ugly wife that only ever fucked african dudes. Truly mogged

Worse, Sartre wife would lure, seduce and groom young women and then bring them to him to fuck.

Virgin Albert Camus vs Chad Frantz Fanon

"Haha guiz here's your daily -insert random quirky thing here- quote, aren't I so random and original?"

Wow these epic daily quotes are so funny I hope people make even more

In order to exist, man must rebel, but rebellion must respect the limits that it discovers in itself - limits where minds meet, and in meeting, begin to exist.