SRDines cancel the Cherokee tribe.

73  2019-06-02 by Ragingbull93


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  1. SRDines cancel the Cherokee tribe. -,,

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I don't think there has been a Trump bully tactic so successful as calling Warren Pocahontas. She seems so weak. Taking that DNA test made it so obvious that the bullying worked.

All that said, I would still do an Injun war-whoop as I colonized her thicc Cherokee booty.

Warren is not a thicc princess she is the spookiest sokeleton in the field. She probably has major osteoperosis too. She probably had to go in for a hip replacement the last time she took a shit.

Using a Д for an A makes me want to die

makes me want to die


Ритард транни ain't right, but it's better

Korean propaganda art

Ruski letters

Jeb!'s utter destruction was more savage but yeah the Pocahontas thing has been very effective too.

Jeb! Never caved though. Trump was just right about him being an awkward boring failure. The DNA test was such a stupid move. It was as if Trump asked Warren "does your mom know you're gay?" and she said "no!" without thinking. Jeb! never destroyed himself, he just was always doomed to fail.

please clap


The Jeb! Will Rise Again

here's how jeb can still win!

Here's how Jeb! still cannot lose*

This is a man who got bullied despite being born a bush and rich. Jeb is the only one who couldve come up with lil turtle toys to appeal to voters.

I'd give her the measles, if you know what I'm sayin'.

She is weak, and she's a shit politician too but the dems eat her ass like it's fucking cake. I can't stand it.

Warren is basically a Hillary replacement, but with less erotic Ben Garrison fanart and more Millennial pandering

I’ve been to Tahlequah AMA

Does listerine give you a fun drunk? A sad drunk? Fighting drunk?

You’ve gotta really hit it hard. I’d suggest hand sanitizer for a cheap drunk. It’ll get you plenty drunk to encourage you to burn a wagon.

All I have is half a used bottle of Purell my foid keeps on her keychain and a Subaru Outback....close enough? Or AITA?

NTA. Though I don’t know if that’ll get you drunk. If it was a Jeep cherokee we’d be cooking with peanut oil.

I've jerked off to the pornstar Cherokee. AMA.

People have really downplayed Warren's claims here. It's often claimed that she only purported herself to have 'native ancestry', as if it she knew it was negligible and merely mentioned it off-the-cuff, but she has represented herself as fully Native American without any caveats.

She put that shit on her Texas bar application

People in that thread acting like she just made some offhand comments. Or saying "yeah she did that, but there is no proof she got a benefit!". Fucking absurd.

I'm pretty dark for Asian so I tell white people I'm black all the time so I can say nigga and watch the amazing pain of them wanting to say it back but can't.

Like Warren, I see no downfall for this.

Inexplicably based.

So I kinda flippantly mention being from Oklahoma but I actually am. She is too. It is common knowledge you can’t check the Native American box if you don’t have a CDIB card. I have friends with last names like Standingbear or Firewalk that can’t check the box because their ancestors didn’t want to be on the roll. Now with Warren if she wanted to be added to the tribe now she’d need to be 1/4 with ancestor roll for the main Cherokee band based in Tahlequah Oklahoma. She’d need to be 1/16 for the. Eastern band in North Carolina. So here’s the thing every Oklahoman knows about roll numbers and CDIBs. There’s also plenty of people who claim ancestry that probably are a little native but not a lot. She lied. She checked a box she had no business checking to get an unfair advantage. If it was a different race this would be massive scandal. Not a career ruining scandal or anything but it shouldn’t be hand waved away. You can also tell the sardines are talking out of their ass because they didn’t mention rolls or CDIBs. Shit one guy even said the Florida tribe disagreed with the Oklahoma one. Florida doesn’t even have a band. I’m sorry for the serious post everyone. Hi long post bot, I know no one cares.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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that can’t check the box because their ancestors didn’t want to be on the roll

What do you mean by this?

So way back when the government set up a system to catalogue Indians to give them aid and to classify Indians. A guy named Dawes was behind it. So they began giving out Dawes roll numbers. The roll numbers is now expressed by having a certificate of degree of Indian Blood (CDIB). Some Indians obviously didn’t care for the government and were insulted by it so they didn’t get on the roll. I’m not exactly sure how that process worked but a good number of Indians didn’t sign up or apply or whatever. So since they gave out roll numbers you having a CDIB (admittedly some tribes have different regulations on this and I’m only familiar with Choctaw and Cherokee) is what determines if your an Indian or not. It boils down to if you have a CDIB you’re and Indian and if you don’t have one you’re not. So while most of my friends haves that are Indians have CDIBs a few don’t. So in practice you can’t claim to be an Indian to reap the rewards of it without a card. I’m not Indian at all but in the eyes of the government I’m as Indian as my cardless friends. I know this was long but it’s sort of complicated. I hope this answers you’re question! If it doesn’t I’ll clarify any of this!

No, it makes sense thanks. So, individual tribes can still set up their own admission requirements completely seperate from CDIBs?

Yes. Though almost all of them have a requirement that involves a CDIB. The Cherokee for example require you be 1/4 to apply and the North Carolina Band requires you be 1/16. So if you meet those requirements that may be different you can then apply for a CDIB. The Bureau of Indian Affairs then authenticates your application by verifying your relation to someone on the Dawes Roll then you can officially become a citizen of the tribe. The % requirements don’t matter for your kids after that. I dated a blonde haired green girl that was 1/256 and she has a CDIB. The benefits are actually really good and I think that’s why you have to jump through so many hoops. The casinos and government funding lets the tribe give out awesome scholarships, housing for low income, dental, healthcare including free prescriptions and glasses, gyms. They have all sort of stuff. So anecdotally I’d say the better the benefits the harder it is to gain citizenship. Now moving on they can’t use DNA tests for this because they can’t tell what tribe someone was in. And it sort of goes along with what I was saying. Most people in Oklahoma are aware of this stuff especially an educated person like warren. She knows she fucked up and no dna test can save her.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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You can also tell the sardines are talking out of their ass

Im going to file this under no shit

my god, sardines are insufferable

Friendly reminder that the cherokee were vicious, and they made an american soldier wrap his own entrails around a tree.

Native Noids are scary


Are these fucking retards really still defending Warren's Native credentials? Give up, it's over, she destroyed herself because a Boomer tweeted about her, she's not president material

Warren never claimed to be eligible to be a tribe member, just that she had ancestry.

And she has neither.

Democrats claim to care for racial & ethnic inequality, and then this wh*Te turd appears and pretends to be a native. Yet the democrat-aligned media & people on /r/politics are adoring this mayoid.

Reminder that all partisan people are brain dead retards who aren't even sentient.

Reminder that all partisan people are brain dead retards who aren't even sentient.

Being partisan is literally being a cuck.

Sooner or later you're going to have to watch your principles and opinions get gangbanged and you're just gonna have to nod and pretend you like it and agree with it.

Partisanship = cuckoldry, prove me wrong.