It's Coming

255  2019-06-02 by Momruepari


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. It's Coming -,

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Really hitting your stride. I'm hooked.

Watch and learn.

Please, I can only be in one death cult at a time.

There's no way anyone that tall is on MDE.

If chapos are E.T. then I'm okay with MDE looking like the Slim Jim mascot.

For a second I thought you meant Macho Man Randy Savage but then I realized that loneliness is the cross that boomers carry.

oooh yeah!

Implying MDEfugees aren't lanklets

This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

Whats the new r/o&a?

theyre invading cumtown. there's like a billion offshoots now since r/scorch got torched

Didn't they also jump to some random Reddit-lite offshoot?

Yeah, which is a Reddit clone is basically all O&A content now.

i heard that on the cumtown sub. I'm partial invading wackbag and taking it from the jim and sam fans

poor scorch


Too horrifying for even Momruepari to properly illustrate

La creatura

el atrocidad

hell no
srd is whiter than a jar of mayo.

The fall of Cumtown is the siren wail; we are doomed. Plebs, lurkers, trannys, DDF, Chapos. God has forsaken this place.

Gods dead, and we killed him 1 bussy at a time.

I feel like I'm the Harbriger of the end times. Any sub I become really active in turns to shit.

It must be my karma for all my time at AHS etc. I change my view on moderation and sub banning only to watch a place I love fall to my own former views.

May Allah forgive me.

What's going on with Cumtown? All I know of the joint is Chapo has a love/hate relationship with it and some forced "fuck your dad" jokes that probably go over great on Tinder hookups

Alternately invaded by chapos, MDEfugees, and now opinanthony users.

The Chapo subreddit and the online pretend communist cultists have nothing to do with the podcast. The Chapo podcast guys have disavowed those faggots, and they also are friends with the Cumtown guys. Amber actually said something along the lines that you shouldn't trust someone that likes CTH but not Cumtown, aka most of that subreddit. Since they are adjacent programs they get a lot of mutual attention. The Cumtown brand of middle school humor about ironic racism and homphobia causes a lot of Chapofags to cry out in pain and get on their "making fun of racism because you think it's ridiculous is the same thing as hating niggers" soapbox, become recreationally offended, and Cumtown always links it in their sub which just continues the cycle and causes more drama.

Holy shit I think I got two vaccinations from reading that

real talk: if your sub isn't in a constant conflict with the admins it's probably gay as shit

”Yeah, I post in r/Drama and yes, I am a bad boi with a heart of gold”

I'm inclined to agree. The admins are pathetic these days. This site has done a total 180 from the bastion of free speech it was intended to be. One of my accounts got permabanned from reddit for saying I hope Cardi B gets shot, lmao.

My first account got a permanent suspension for some bullshit. Real kicker is my offending comment was quoting someone and saying, "this but unironically." The user who made the original comment faced no punishment. Utter bullshit.

Motherfucker, did you just call r/Familyman shit?!?

I missed you

thats one buff fucking baby

thx bb

Survivor's getting worse every season

I'm cumming

It took you 10 days to make another decent post, im proud of you

That chapo is funny. I can see them wearing those shoes too

I will never not love r/opieandanthony for pulling a 180 and making the sub about mocking the shit out of O&A, to the point Anthony himself angrily pissed himself on the sub once.

Plus the targeted harassment of failed Wop comedian Joe Matarese

I'm noticing a trend of dagos thinking they're funny

For most of the time the program existed the culture of the fanbase has been if you're funny you're cool, and if you're not funny we're going to be directed by the hosts to harass you en masse, and send you things like rape threats. In hindsight I guess it was inevitable that we'd turn on our former leaders.

only the retarded banned subs get character development

Chapo and drama get one line

Give yourself a flair that says agendaposting extraordinaire”

That's a mighty good rendition of a Chapo.

not a dude in a dress


The last 2 made me actually laugh.

Drama doesn't look retarted enough.

I'm not sure why but the /r/cumtown one turns me on.

You missed beefers posting on /r/o&a

One of the things I'll miss most