It’s over for the mencels. Asian chick rates average looking guys 3s and 4s 🤷🏻‍♀️

18  2019-06-02 by HardIsLife


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. It’s over for the mencels. Asian ch... -,

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Imagine being the poorest ageing race lmao blussy > aussy

black chicks don’t crack

I'm glad someone else here recognizes the facts of the situation.


Cali men sure are ugly

I’d also rate most of the personalities low. I really liked the super short manlet on looks and personality though.


>good looking






I’m a masculine gay dude who likes Manlets. It’s the same as how most straight guys like girls shorter than them.

Are they top, bottom, or versatile for you? Since you mention the reason straight guys like short women.

Bottom or vers

Do a google search for this In quotes “bbc theory lookism”

Possibly the most California video I’ve ever seen. Like literally every single person was 500% California.

me so solly

They're never brave enough to make these videos with girls sans makeup...

Is it blackpilled though? I don't watch anything that can ruin my incel worldview.

Imagine thinking asian women have any agency lmao

This jungle-asian f*id ain't exactly a peach herself lmao

Only a female would watch this. Im guessing op is one.

Finally! Trans women are autistic women

Well...4 to 6, maybe 7 if he has a bad eyesight is her window of dating, so......fair to look at the mirror honey.