r/KIA has exposed evidence of the TOLERANT LEFT love for violence - a deleted scene from a capeshit movie.

57  2019-06-02 by Ghdust2


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They targeted capeshitters. Capeshitters.

WOKE KiAtards pretend not to care about money-grabbing capeshit then sperg when the money-grabbing capeshit does something they don't like.


How do you watch the scene and what is it

Tbf all capeshit is terrible and promotes loser vigilantism

Still not as bad as modern spaceshit.

They should remove it for being so cringy

Sounds like they are.

If they remove all the cringy shit in Captain Marvel it'd be ~30 minutes long.

They did. It's a deleted scene, Mr Genius.


Why does she need a motorcycle she can fly?

Idr if she could fly yet in that scene. And plus flying is a good way to get lots of attention

What if you fly really low and pretend you are on roller skates.

When you defend Marvel, you're committing white genocide.

Spiderman made a drug dealer miss his nephews birthday and apologized for it. Captain Marvel's a dick.

Terrible writing. Capeshit is fucking trash.

I knew the milkshakes were just the start.

They've already moved from milkshakes to physical contact and violent handshakes. What's next? Blasting Lil Nas so loud even headphones won't save you?

I don't see what this has to do with loli. Why do KIAutists care about this?

Because only half of their beliefs involve pedophilia, the other half involves retardation

Uh-oh, giant media corp forcing people to take down its copyrighted materials? You know it's because of social justice and not because they're a giant media corporation protecting it's property rights.

Property rights are a fuck.

So much for the tolerant capeshit!

The biggest surprise is marvel actually having the fucking balls to NOT put that in the movie. I mean holy shit it was so bad. Is the rest of the movie just “how many tropes can we fit in 1 scene”

Wokes vigorously crank their shafts fantasizing about things like this but it's impossible because women and/or antifa just aren't very strong.

The same logic was used by "the left" to vilify Jeremy Clarkson over a cut take. Same bullshit, different group of internet losers.

Mediocre culture warrior: Complaining about scenes in the movie

High level culture warrior: Complaining about scenes that weren't in the movie.