Chapo fights over whether the kulaks caused the Holodomor. P_K annihilates the tankies with now-employed FACTS and LOGIC.

73  2019-06-02 by bleached_ammonia


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Chapo fights over whether the kulak... -,,

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Which was posted yesterday.

The absolute state of Drama mods without trappysarah

I'm retarded.

Well you are a /r/drama mod

I made this thread first there’s so much dog pilling drama to read though we should repost this every couple days for like 3 weeks it’s so juicy.

KaliYugaz and P_K are literally the only intelligent Chapo regulars. I'd like to ping them with this compliment, I remember that Kali occasionally jumped the fence to hang out with us and he was always interesting and engaging.

send him a message, tell him snally personally promised PK’s old crown in exchange for his loyalty to the ironic cause.

P_K is intelligent in comparison, not absolute. He's still a sad, sad man who keeps cheerleading LARP politics and bring on Reddit 24/7. He's like Pizzashill in that regard.

P_K is the kind of person who seems really intelligent on the internet, but in real life could be convinced to jump off a bridge by a 6.

Well, being very intelligent and being thirsty and easily manipulated with the promise of poontang are not mutually exclusive.

It isn't so much to do with being a thirsty boi, more just being socially retarded and easily coerced by someone who isn't a vapid pseudointellectual.

the_marx going off as well 😍 😍 😍 Look at our boys all grown up

sniff they grow up so fat...


Did the prince finally finish his PhD and get a job?

lol he was never a candidate. dude proved himself illiterate on multiple occassions in r/badeconomics when challenged on basic theory. Just unfamiliar with basic bitch undergrad theory. Truly sad life, PK’s.


One in particular haunts my (wet) dreams where he gets thoroughly btfo but all I’m finding now are hints of a great battle. Search on, brother—it’s there, waiting.

It's possible that he's just a really inept, but nonetheless real, PhD candidate.

This is exactly what a Stalinist would say

On Friedman’s shiny head, I’m nothing close to a filthy commie.

to be fair some PhD econ agenda people are really dumb (that marxist woke economist socialists on reddit love... Wolff something?, that Trump advisor that things tariffs are on China are the best thing for the economic growth)

...not saying PK is one of them, but it's not inconceivable

Actually the people who starved to death were heroes who understood that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and thus refused to eat the bountiful harvests that occurred under Stalin's masterful economic planning, as they knew that many factors of production crucial to producing such a surplus of grain were inevitably imported from capitalist-imperialist societies.

These peasants were the only true communists in history

To seriouspost a bit the holodomor was a plan to sacrifice the lives of peasants for rapid industrialization. Necessary grain was seized from peasants and sold on international markets, and the money used to important industrial machinery.

It always fucks with me knowing how much commie ideology is based around the ends justified the means, when their own supporters are the victims. At least fascism tries to hide the fact, not openly revel in it.

I'd argue that Marxism-Leninism as practiced by the USSR is not the only form of socialism.

To Chapos it might as well be

think of it!

true socialism in our lifetimes, comrade

The 5 grain rule. Shot on site for attempting to circumvent your own starvation by stealing 5 grains of wheat or more. Super pro working man.

Shit, the_marx is unironic, I thought it was satirical, because they didn't aknowledge what actually happened to Lenin's movement.

did your choice of ideology come to you as the culmination of many daydreamed revenge plots against all the people who ever laughed at you in your life, or was it the thing you thought would piss off your parents the most?

lmao based PK

if you actually have read marx/engels/lenin (aside from token writings like the communist manifesto or socialism utopian and scientific) without being hindered by bourgeois and utopian ideological predilections — i.e. if you actually understood them — then there would be no way that you could coherently think that stalin's thoughts are worthwhile or in line with communist theory. at this point aside from irrelevant weirdos, dumb larpers on the internet, and bourgeois nationalist movements in the third world no one is a stalinist because it has been thoroughly refuted and the capitalist nature of the USSR as well as every other ostensibly socialist nation has been painstakingly revealed. marxist-leninists have pretty much exactly the same understanding of communism as reagan or nixon did.

TLDR chapos can’t wait to fire up the rape limo again and finally land some beckies

So much word salad. It really is true the dumbest people consider themselves really smart