r/fantasy CANCELS Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time. It turns out he was an incel THE WHOLE TIME!

84  2019-06-02 by CJ_from_Grove_St


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How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


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They weren't strong at all lol. Just look at the orderly queue they set up so that they could bang Rand in an orderly fashion. The whole series is a sexist nightmare. Almost every interaction with a female character is problematic to pretty astonishing degree. Woman are weak at the knees with man fever when they aren't being cold hearted monsters to all those around them out of fabricated spite.

TIL Rober Jordan is based AF

wheel of time makes a lot more sense if you just picture the main female cast as slutty latinas with an attitude problem


*tugs braid

*Smooths skirts

*Stares at you with arms crossed under breasts

*Hands on hips

*smacks bubble gum

what the fuck ass kind of roleplaying is this

Lore accurate rping

if robert jordan is writing a chapter with a female character she will for sure be doing at least one of those things, probably more than one, and often all of them.

Don't forget about getting spanked.

Dude don’t come at me like that, I went on 3 dates with a Latina chick I met off tinder.

*Brings knees in tight

*posts twice like a retard

*Brings knees in tight

*posts twice like a retard

With those fucking permanent marker eyebrows the glares just fucking kill the boner tho

The complete opposite of what a good glare should do.

Nynaeve tugs Rand Al'Thor's penis

Are they from 8th Street?

Grove Street

Yep, now I want to start WOT waaay sooner (before my planned reread of ASOIAF).

Don’t bother. It’s an absolute shit show of a series, it’s like some one tried to nice guy his way to pussy and Harriet Rigney was the best he could do. It’s a downright indictment of burger “literature”

The overall story is interesting enough. All they have to do is cut all the non story that started happening in the middle of the series and edit the character interactions to be more modern.

It's not like lord of the rings is a crazy good story either and look how well the trilogy was received.

Fuck you it's the best fantasy story of all-time.

No. It’s just long which you manboys equate with good because of muh world building

World building is fun if you are an autist like me.

You're just to stupid to keep up with the story.

And to young and immature and uneducated to understand historical human mythology, adult human relationships and don't have enough memory or cognitive capacity to keep up with the story and be able to read anything more than an internet comment or tweet.

Omega COPE. It’s awful writing, shitty characterization. Read a proper book retardo silva

Don't try to cover up your lack of reading skills, memory and understanding with shitting on that that you don't understand.

Lol WoT sucks nerd, time to deal with it. The world building is mediocre at best and that’s already the best thing about the series. But the fucking characters? They all sound like you - painfully created, unlovable and the creation of an incel’s view of Strong Waemen

Have you ever actually read any book?

Yeah and they've all been better than WoT. Imagine shilling this hard for a dead man and his money grubbing wife

You're an awful person.

Cry harder faggot

Nah, give it a go. Especially since the show is coming out late 2020/early 2021

Try to get out as early as possible.

It's ok at the start but around book 5-7 it devolves into a 500+ page books full of "remember this character from 3 books ago that was mentioned once and there's no way to remember who the fuck they are? yeah that guy, well, he's traveling! ok next chapter, remember this other really obscure side character from few books ago? guess what, he's traveling as well!"

Kinda like GoT then?

I am looking for a maid of three-and-ten," she told the grey-haired goodwife beside the village well. "A highborn maid and very beautiful, with blue eyes andauburn hair. She may have been traveling with a portly knight of forty years, or perhaps with a fool. Have you seen her?"

sexist nightmare.

Imagine thinking that a fantasy book in which your wife and your girlfriend very happily have sex with you is a "sexist nightmare".

Woman are weak at the knees with man fever

Weren't the bene gesserit (lets face it, robert jordan copied herbert as much as he copied lord of the rings) super anti men ?

(lets face it, robert jordan copied herbert as much as he copied lord of the rings)

Don't forget the intro that everyone loves is basically the Dune intro

That's because women are, for the most part, consummate actresses who allow men to see exactly what they intend men to see.

Show me the lie.

That's just Shakespeare if he had chronic dry dick

They hated him because he told the truth.

It's very Jungian, that's for sure

That thread is a perfect microcosm of modern reddit.

A bunch of morons spouting off at the keyboard about things they know nothing about.

Half the retards on there haven't even read the books but have a strong opinion anyway. Peak reddit.

Haven't read the books, don't know anything about the author or his wife, don't know anything about adult relationships (or relationships in general), or adult behavior, the list could go on.

One person didn't know who Brandon Sanderson was. In a fantasy subreddit. In s thread talking about wheel of Time. Jeez

That is peak reddit.

I'm gonna buy and read wheel of time just because of this now.

Its good but there's a slog in the middle if the series

Oh shit, drama I have to have my husband explain to me.

  1. Are you really married?

  2. Are you a gril?

Thank G-d for gay marriage

Altho gay divorce isn’t nearly the drama source I was really hoping for

  1. Lol yeah

  2. Unfortunately

Dude gussy lmao

Is wheel of time any good? I'm not a fona wheel of fortune, so I've been hesitant to read it.

It’s better than wheel of fortune, worse than lord of the rings. Somewhere in the middle there.

It's a series of long, drawn out orgasms. Tons of buildup, world building, and psychological torment of the main characters, with very few but massive payoffs.

so r/edging the book

its genre fiction no read something by adorni insyead

There's a lot of filler episodes. also by about book 7 you will need a website that lists all the characters because none of them ever get killed or abandoned but instead are referenced and the author has a bizarre need to let us know that the street merchant from book 5, in book 8 now has a wagon and is fleeing southwards.

Or they die and come back more OP than before or even a different gender.

a few books into the WoT series I came to the realization that the author fucking hated women. I made a few comments to that effect (this was before reddit) online and nobody believed me. Should be some quality drama when the amazon show for this comes out depending on how close of an adaptation they do.

He doesn't hate women, he understands them for the manipulative harpies they are.

Maybe if men weren't so stupid they wouldn't get manipulated so easily.

Post bussy

What a bunch of whiny little cunts

Fantasy is literally filled with women Tumblr-refugees that hates the fact that Fantasy was founded by huwhite men, and is still largely written by them, who uses cancel-culture and social media to get rid of the competition and prop themselves up.

They want to be the next J.K Rowling, but Oh so Socially Aware; changing the world for the better by having a handicapable ethnically ambiguous midget as the protagonist.

Once I read (Or was it /r/books?) a post about a reader finding an award winning book bad, just from reading the thread it became clear that the author was a black woman and had likely gotten the prize for that rather than her writing, and so the OP got socially barred into admitting the book was great! And to give it another read, all else would be some form of bigotry, after all.

Anyway that's my gay little story. Anyone wanna share? Can't be the only one who have noticed this.

I think it was the Broken Earth trilogy.

Nig K. Jemisin is the most overrated author in modern history, and the r/fantasy circlejerk about their yaass black kween makes me want to puke every time I browse that sub

I've heard she has first person chapters. That's a big yikes from me.

hating unreliable narrators

Go read Sword of Truth again instead, pleb

I prefer 2nd person ones.

They want to be the next J.K Rowling

Imagine the apex of your gender's involvement in fantasy books being some gay young-adult novels about a faggoty "wizard" who is so retarded he runs into a pillar in a train station.

To be fair, she's a literal billionaire.

Sure, but I think we know that quality is not correlated to success.

If I can earn a billion while writing some half a dozen YA novels, count me in.

No doubt, just saying they're shit is all.

Of the two I'd rather have success personally.

Therein lies the rub. I have the quality, but here I am, a pathological shitposter on an irrelevant internet forum.

Harry is a retard.

That's why we love him.

I mostly read non-fiction. I am just here to enjoy the stories.

handicapable ethnically ambiguous midget

Excuse me? If the author isn't a handicapable ethnically ambiguous midget they shouldn't be writing handicapable ethnically ambiguous midgets!1!1

I've never read anything written by Robert Jordan, but based on that single comment he definitely understood foids.

Avoid the Foid.

"We're not bitchy and insincere! 😡"

  • Bitchy, insincere, and defensive, women.

Forget all that, the real problem is Robert Jordan hating on dolphins: Terribly wasteful creatures, dolphins. The mammals, I mean. Many times I've seen a dolphin herd redfish or sea trout into shallow water, then, with a swoop of the tail, send the lot of them up onto a mud flat. The dolphin will then semi-beach itself, eat what it wants, and swim off leaving the rest of the fish, the majority of them, lying on the mud. Intelligent? Maybe. But not ecologically minded. Not at all.

Cancel that fucker

Based. Dolphins are the second most overrated animal after Pandas.

Third, actually. Don't make me post the koala copypasta!

Jordan was a real one for being at the forefront of the r/dolphinconspirscy

Did you know global warming is a dolphin made disaster?

He understands that the smarter you are, the meaner you are

Based and retard-pilled

Dolphins are awesome. They're like dogs of the sea.

God damn it man I JUST started reading this shit.

I'll pm you random spoilers.

this should surprise no one... your fantasy world is bad

Judging a boomer's entire character based on a single quote right before he died is based.

Robert Jordan wore wide-brimmed hats indoors. That tell you everything you need to know.

Shouldn't that be character?

I won't tolerate any slander of Nynaeve on my r/drama you alt-right incel.

I'm one of those degenerates that actually likes wheel of time but the people in that thread aren't even wrong. The female characters are absolutely insufferable and almost ruin the entire thing.

The only ones that are truly awful are Egwene, Cadsuane, and Elayne. Faile only sucks in Perrin PoV chapters, but she's okay in her own chapters IMO. I enjoyed hating the Aes Sedai bitches and when they get cucked by Rand and company. Lanfear is a legit psycho bitch but that's the point. Honestly, I don't think the super girl chapters much worse than Dany chapters in GoT.

I'm a big fantasy reader and for years my husband tried to get me to read WOT, as it is his favorite series. But I've read so many things about the characterization of females in the book and felt I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. This quote sadly just confirms what I believed.

What the fuck? Can't you just read the book yourself and make up your own mind, rather than reading about the book and "feeling" like you can't enjoy it? This reminds me of when I want to watch a film with my girlfriend, and she has to read a summary before she can decide. Fucking infuriating. Robert Jordan was right about foids.