"MCU is are modern day cinematic masterpieces. This what Homeric Epics was back in the day or modern day versions of the Moon Landing."

101  2019-06-02 by heretobefriends


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Base dunghill villain and mechanical, I'll have thy head for this thy traitor's speech.

I was commenting there before it was linked so I’m gonna co tiniest

Also fuck your rules loser

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. "MCU is are modern day cinematic ma... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Thought about sorting the comments, thought about singling out a few, decided it's developing well enough on its own.

This what Homoerotic Epics was back in the day or modern day versions of the Poon Landing.



honestly, Shakespeare was a gay english bitch and Homer was a greek and we all know what that means, Stan Lee is better just by the fact he's an American

But Stan was one of (((them)))

(((jews))) >> ingerlanders >>>>>>>> smelly greeks

Imagine thinking a perfidious Albioner can be above anyone

I mean arabs do exist..

Arabs are honest like a knife is honest. When you look at a knife, you immediately understand what it is made for, and that it will perform its function. There are no tricks, just simple honesty. They are willing to die for what they believe in.

This but unironically

Homer was a greek and we all know what that means

he had a fat and overbearing wife?


that was socrates you know-nothing

Lol tell me more about american (((culture)))

he says on the american website in american

Yes, Reddit is quintessentially American, imagine being proud of this gay website lmao

If that’s how retarded people will be in the future, I can’t wait for r/Drama comments to be an entire academic field of study

/r/Drama classes will be it's own field of study and major

The MCU did to film something similar to what the burning of the library at Alexandria did to civilization.

Absolutely nothing?

We need a crusade.

They're literally just kid's movies lmao

Jack Kirby>Stan Lee

Grant Morrison>Stan Lee

Geoff Johns>Stan Lee

Frank Miller>Stan Lee

Alan Moore(especially him)>Stan Lee

I could go on. I love the man to death but those five guys are much more influential than he could dream of being. I mean shit, Watchmen is already being seen in some lit. classes today, depending on the professor

You need to do something to the people in your classes.

I think to imply Watchmen is not fine literature just because it's a graphic novel is pretty lame of you

Maybe it is, I'm uneducated and have only read like 6 books in my life.

Put it like this, it's better than the current crop of MCU capeshit.

its not becuase its a graphic novel, its because its cartoon capeshit

he needs to ensure they do not succumb to danger

keep them safe, to be more concise

You forgot Neil Gaiman.


Stan Lee isnt as influential as them but he still gets 99 percent of the praise when it comes to comics. It is always "created by STAN LEE and Jack Kirby "


Geoff Johns


You are sarcastic because you believe that Shakespeare is so far above Stan Lee that your condescending tone is justified. But that isn't the case.

Shakespeare plays were the MCU of it's time. It was pure pop culture, entertainment for the common man. Like marvel movies, Shakespeare plays also reference each other, which helps with building a somewhat loyal fanbase.

The difference is that, in contrast to Shakespeare plays, critics love marvel movies. So if anything, the case can be made that Stan Lee is better than Shakespeare at what made him famous.

Alright this is a snappy quote.

Reddit pop culture fanboys distilled into one comment 🤮🤮🤮

There is no way anyone could write that unironically

in contrast to Shakespeare plays, critics love marvel movies.

this is bait

May Allah rid us of these capeshitters

The Sopranos was pop culture but that doesn't mean the MCU is on par with it

novelty accounts OUT

takes like this wraken uour jawline be careful

If Jack kirby wasnt already dead he would have killed himself after reading this

ITT: We predict what will get big after capeshit.

My guess is westerns. Red Dead Redemption 2 and Wind River really put the wind in those sails. I look forward to seeing some new cowboy movies.

And The Sisters Brothers last year which no one fucking saw

Stop trying to bring westerns back. The generation who grew up hearing about their heroics are long past movie-making age now.

And yet RDR2 sold better than nearly any other game.


Gaymer nonce-sense


Gaymer movies probably, the Pokeyman movie did well

one is the high water mark of our language, the other is your parents reading you a bed time story

Capeshitters btfo.

This is fucked. Parents reading you a bed time story is part of the high water mark of our language. Or, what, are they gonna pretend Alice in Wonderland is for shitters?

You compare Alice in Wonderland to other bedtime stories, not pretend it's Shakespeare, though.

You are sarcastic because you believe that Shakespeare is so far above Stan Lee that your condescending tone is justified. But that isn't the case.

Shakespeare plays were the MCU of it's time. It was pure pop culture, entertainment for the common man. Like marvel movies, Shakespeare plays also reference each other, which helps with building a somewhat loyal fanbase.

The difference is that, in contrast to Shakespeare plays, critics love marvel movies. So if anything, the case can be made that Stan Lee is better than Shakespeare at what made him famous.

God I want to ping these retards so bad

You might learn about him in some history of 20/21st century pop culture class. For like 1 blurb of a 300pg textbook. That's about it.


Ahahah someone post these to /r/copypasta