The cavalcade of mental disorders known as r/LateStageGenderBinary goes full ACAB and bans any and all "cop apologia". Some sane souls in the comments ask what should be done about LGBT cops...

39  2019-06-03 by Ghdust2


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. The cavalcade of mental disorders k... -,,

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What do you think ACAB means?


assigned chapotard at birth?

I don’t understand it.

“LGBTQ+ murders and assaults are on the rise”

“No cops at pride!”

Can you see how this seems confusing and possibly a bad idea?

they don't really believe the first quote. (it's mostly BS)

they also don't really believe the second one. (it's mostly posturing. as soon as something happens to them they're crying for cops to help)

Oh. Well damn.

I hate gay people unironically.

Who doesn't?

Groups that owe their existence to the liberal democracy and the police shouldn’t be so quick to attack them

Groups that owe their existence to liberal democracy

Yeah, it’s not like those commie countries where big LGBT fans. Castro and Stalin both hated the gays.

Understatement of the year

imagine blaming an entire group of people for the actions of a few


Sounds pretty fun NGL.

Imagine doing the exact same thing to others you get unspeakably outraged about when done to you.

I've seen a few level headed people say that the police system in the US needs full, massive reform but it is still necessary.

And of course they get jumped by the ACAB crowd, not even because of some weird anarcho thoughts, but because cops telling them they can't squat in abandoned buildings might as well be Freddy Krueger.

All I ask for is ONE Pride parade without cops. Without guns.

Then we'll see the bussy population decimated through bombing or machete attacks.